Response stories

Confronting harassment: a disturbing incident in Albania

In the late hours of the night, Elira (name changed), a transgender girl, was walking through the area N in her city. It was a time when the streets were quiet, and the usual hustle and bustle of the city had died down. As she walked, an unknown man noticed her and approached.

Initially, the perpetrator sought sexual favors from Elira. When she refused, the situation quickly escalated. The man’s demeanor changed, and he began to threaten and intimidate her. His words and actions were so severe that Elira was left in a terrible emotional state, visibly shaken and distressed.

Recognizing the seriousness of the incident, Elira reached out for help, and her case was promptly taken up by the REActors. The incident details were meticulously documented. The case is currently being resolved, with the REActors working diligently to ensure that Elira receives the justice and support she deserves.

This incident highlights the dangers and emotional trauma that LGBTIQ+ individuals, like Elira, can face simply for being themselves. It underscores the urgent need for greater protection, support, and awareness to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable communities in our society.

Also read:

Navigating stigma in healthcare: the case from North Macedonia

Resolving сounseling сhallenges in the OST program in Montenegro

Response stories

Navigating stigma in healthcare: the case from North Macedonia

Aleksandar (name changed), from North Macedonia, who is living with HIV and has an undetectable viral load due to antiretroviral therapy (ART), was referred to a gastroenterohepatology clinic because of long-standing gastritis problems.

During the initial consultation, the gastroenterologist took Aleksandar’s medical history and determined that a colonoscopy was necessary to investigate his gastritis issues further. However, when Aleksandar informed the doctor about his ART regimen and undetectable viral load, the doctor reconsidered and decided to prescribe oral medication instead. The doctor suggested that it would be better to attempt to resolve the problem with tablets first. He advised Aleksandar that if the tablet therapy did not help within a month, then a colonoscopy would be required. The doctor pointed out that a colonoscopy could not be performed at their clinic because of Aleksandar’s HIV status. Instead, he recommended that the procedure should be done at the Infectious Disease Clinic, citing that such interventions had been performed there in the past.

After a month of tablet therapy, Aleksandar’s symptoms persisted. He was informed that the Infectious Disease Clinic no longer performed colonoscopies. Faced with this situation, Aleksandar decided to undergo a colonoscopy at a private health facility without disclosing his HIV status.

Also read:

Resolving сounseling сhallenges in the OST program in Montenegro

Protecting your rights and dignity: supporting a client of OST in Ukraine

Response stories

Protecting your rights and dignity: supporting a client of OST in Ukraine

Lyubov (name changed) is a woman living with HIV who used to inject drugs in the past. She is in a civil marriage with a man who is also HIV-positive and has a history of substance use. Both are patients of the OST program. On their way home from the drop-in center, where they had received self-administered medication, the couple was stopped by police officers. They began to humiliate them, treat them rudely, pick their pockets, and search them without any reason.

Although the clients informed the police that they were taking OST and showed all the necessary documents, no one listened to them, and the couple was taken to the police station. The woman called the organization. Upon hearing about such illegal actions of the police, the REActor and a social worker of the organization came to the defense of the couple. They contacted the police by phone with the doctor who had prescribed the drugs. The doctor explained that everything was legal and that the patients had no problems with taking the drugs. After that, the couple was released.

After coming to the organization with words of gratitude, the client refused to seek legal assistance because she did not believe that the police officers would be punished. She was also offered counseling by the organization’s psychologist and group training to restore her psycho-emotional state.

Also read:

Justice and dignity: a story of a woman living with HIV in Uzbekistan standing up for her rights

Threats and cyberbullying against a non-binary person in Kazakhstan

Response stories

Justice and dignity: a story of a woman living with HIV in Uzbekistan standing up for her rights

This story happened to Madina (name changed), a young woman, 40 years old, a representative of the community of people living with HIV, working in a store. One of her colleagues, having learned about her positive HIV status, started spreading the information among all employees. Soon the store manager found out about it and decided to fire Madina without paying her money, claiming that she could have infected everyone during her work.

The woman sought help from a REActor who provided her with counseling, after which she decided to write a statement complaining about the unjustified dismissal. The REActor together with a police officer gave a preventive talk to the store manager and staff about people with HIV status. As a result, the management paid all the money due under the contract.

Madina decided not to return to her previous job and found a new one. This case shows the importance of determination in fighting for one’s rights and against discrimination.

Also read:

Threats and cyberbullying against a non-binary person in Kazakhstan

Violation of rights and lack of assistance: a case of discrimination in Moldova

Response stories

Threats and cyberbullying against a non-binary person in Kazakhstan

An incident that occurred last year and had a continuation in early 2024 related to Aruzhan (name changed). They are 21 years old, non-binary person, LGBTIQ+ activist. A university student saw Aruzhan’s recent posts regarding their civic activities and the attacks associated with them. This student, who was part of a group that had previously cyberbullying and threatening Aruzhan with violence because of their participation in a Pride Flag community event, began posting insults and threats again in a closed group on Telegram under an anonymous nickname.

The insults included derogatory terms and phrases, as well as threats of violence, such as “I’m itching to smack him in the back alley”. Aruzhan’s friend who was a member of the group forwarded screenshots of the messages. The client, despite the fact that they were now out of the attacker’s reach, were very worried about their safety and feared that they might be found and harmed.

This situation is an example of cyber-bullying and threats that violate the human rights to safe existence and protection from discrimination, in particular against LGBTIQ+ persons, and can also have significant psychological and physical consequences.

To protect their rights, Aruzhan sought the help of REActors. In response to the threats and cyberbullying, the REActors prepared and wrote a complaint to the university administration. Cyberbullying and threats of violence are prohibited by law and should be prosecuted. It is important that educational institutions and other institutions protect their students from such actions and create a safe environment for all, regardless of their gender identity and sexual orientation.

Also read:

Ethics in question: a case of discrimination in Azerbaijan medicine

Violation of rights and lack of assistance: a case of discrimination in Moldova

Response stories

Violation of rights and lack of assistance: a case of discrimination in Moldova

Alisa (name changed) contacted the National REActors by phone, asking for help because she was feeling unwell due to substance use. After speaking with the girl, it was recommended to call an ambulance for medical services. On the advice of the REActors, her boyfriend called the paramedics. However, instead of providing prompt assistance, police officers arrived and started to draw up a protocol. As a result, Alisa was fined 1500 lei (85 USD). To her indignation and explanations about her inability to pay the fine, the police officers replied that they could have issued a fine of 5000 lei (284 dollars).

In this case, REActors filed a complaint with the Equality Council to establish discrimination. As a result, the situation was resolved in favor of the client, the fine was challenged and Alisa was exempted from paying it.

This case highlights the need to raise awareness of the rights of key groups and the importance of standing up for their rights regardless of pressure.

Also read:

Ethics in question: a case of discrimination in Azerbaijan medicine

Seeking support: a woman living with HIV seeks help from REActors in Tajikistan

Response stories

Ethics in question: a case of discrimination in Azerbaijan medicine

This case raises important questions about professional ethics, equality, and respect for every patient, regardless of their medical status.

Artur (name changed) addressed the national REActors of Azerbaijan. His story began with an ordinary visit to the dentist, which turned into a series of unpleasant events. The man went to the dentist because his tooth had broken. He hoped for quick and quality help. The doctor took measurements and explained that the only would be ready in a few days. Arthur made an advance payment for the work.

A few days later, the man returned for the finished clay. To his surprise, the dentist said that it was ready, but refused to install it. The reason why the dentist did not want to complete the work was the following: while waiting for the only to be ready, Artur shared with him that on a particular day, he needed to pick up his ART because he was a representative of the community of people living with HIV. The man tried to return the money, but his requests were ignored and he was chased out of the office. In desperation and not knowing where to turn for justice, Artem decided to tell his story to the national REActors of Azerbaijan. The case was taken up by them to achieve justice and solve the client’s problem.

Also read:

Seeking support: a woman living with HIV seeks help from REActors in Tajikistan

Violation of patient’s rights: the story of an arrest in an Armenian hospital

Response stories

Defending the right to medical care in Ukraine

Natalia (name changed) appealed to the documentarian with a complaint against an oncologist who refused to provide medical services. The woman said that she had been referred by her doctor to an oncology clinic for examination, having an electronic referral. At the oncologist’s appointment, she verbally informed him of her HIV-positive status. The doctor refused to conduct an examination and recommended that she see a doctor at the AIDS Center.

The REActor met with the deputy chief physician to discuss the violation of her client’s rights to medical care by the hospital staff member. After listening to the situation, the deputy agreed that the patient’s rights had been violated and had a conversation with the oncologist. After that, Natalia made an appointment for a second visit.

At the appointment, the oncologist conducted the necessary examination and testing. The client received the necessary medical care, which she was initially denied, and can now continue her treatment according to the established plan.

Also read:

Solidarity and action: International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

United for equality: IDAHOBIT and the struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

News Response stories

Solidarity and action: International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is held annually on the third Sunday of May in many countries around the world. This day was first celebrated in 1983 in the American city of San Francisco. At that time, a symbol of the movement against this disease appeared – a bright red ribbon attached to clothing and colorful quilts made of fabric scraps in memory of people who died prematurely because of AIDS. The red ribbon was created in 1991 by California artist Frank Moore. Every year on this day, people around the world pin it to their clothes to express solidarity with those affected by AIDS and to support efforts to reduce stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV.

According to the latest UNAIDS statistics, approximately 40 million people are living with HIV worldwide. Thanks to advances in modern medicine, HIV infection has become a manageable chronic disease: antiretroviral therapy (ART) allows people with HIV to live full lives. Nevertheless, in 2022, AIDS will claim the lives of 600,000 people worldwide. The situation with HIV remains particularly challenging in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region. According to UNAIDS, about 1.7 million people are living with HIV, and in recent years there has been an increase in new infections, with ART coverage available to only about 60% of those in need. Despite the existence of treatment and national strategies to ensure access to ART, many barriers remain in EECA that limit ART coverage and lead to an increase in the number of new HIV cases. The main causes of this phenomenon include:

– Stigma and discrimination: high levels of stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV discourage many from seeking medical care. People fear disclosure of their HIV status and negative consequences, which prevents timely testing and initiation of treatment. For example, this year in Kazakhstan, REActors recorded a case of a woman disclosing her status in one of the city hospitals. Nursing staff were instructed to put bracelets with personal data, including information on HIV status, on patients’ arms. After investigating the situation, the REActor filed a complaint with the chief physician of the hospital. As a result, an immediate order was issued to remove the confidential information from the bracelets, and the head of the department was reprimanded and then fired due to multiple previous violations, including disregard for patients’ rights. In North Macedonia, an attempt was made to prevent a man living with HIV from continuing to work in his position at a city hospital because of his status. Thanks to the work of national REActors, two complaints were filed: one with the director of the hospital where the man works, and one with the public Health Insurance Fund. As a result, the man was allowed to return to work and his issue has now been fully resolved.

– Limited access to health services: In some countries in the region, health services, including HIV testing and access to ART, are underdeveloped or difficult to access, especially in remote and rural areas.

– Information deficit: lack of information and education on HIV/AIDS leads to many people being unaware of treatment options and the importance of timely testing, as well as the disease itself. In Uzbekistan, a couple was found to be HIV-positive while preparing documents for a civil registry office. This fact, which had not been previously registered, was unauthorized disclosed by medical professionals, causing rumors and condemnation in the surrounding society. National REActors provided comprehensive support to future spouses, including counseling, information, psychological, and legal assistance (they were helped to protect their rights and deal with the responsibility of violators for improper disclosure of confidential information).

– Economic barriers: financial constraints and lack of resources make it difficult to ensure stable and widespread access to ART. In some countries, financial support from international donors is declining, which affects treatment availability or slows down the implementation of effective HIV programs.

These factors combine to create a complex situation in which, even with the availability of programs and the willingness of states to provide treatment, a significant proportion of the population remains unassisted. Greater intersectoral collaboration, increased awareness and reduced stigmatization, and improved access to and quality of health services are needed. An important aspect to improve the situation is to draw public attention to the problem, as on the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. Let us remember those who are no longer with us and support those who can be helped!

Also read:

United for equality: IDAHOBIT and the struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Empowering equality: fighting discrimination against HIV in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Response stories

Empowering equality: fighting discrimination against HIV in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alen (name changed) reached out to the NGO “Partnerships in Health”, about his positive HIV status (with which he has lived for 13 years). His disclosure to his employer led to adverse treatment, including an abrupt halt in his work attendance without explanation. Initially, his department head indicated work was unnecessary, assuring him of continued salary, a situation enduring 13 years, leaving Alen increasingly isolated and eager to return to work.

Attempting to resume work and address potential social exclusion, Alen contacted his employer, only to be instructed to stay home, contrary to his hopes. After 20 years of service, the company mandated a disability pension assessment without specific reasons. Despite a medical certificate affirming his job fitness, regardless of his HIV status, Alen faces potential discrimination and ambiguity regarding the disability assessment and his workplace exclusion, raising concerns about employment law and anti-discrimination regulations.

To confront these issues, “Partnerships in Health” commits to supporting Alen comprehensively by engaging in legal representation. An attorney will offer legal counsel and serve as Alen’s representative in related legal proceedings to resolve employment issues effectively. This proactive approach underscores the organization’s dedication to safeguarding Alen’s rights and addressing complexities through legal channels. Advising Alen against the assessment presently and urging written communication with his employer the attorney aims to gather evidence for potential future legal action. “Partnerships in Health” remains steadfast in its mission to uphold the rights of individuals facing discrimination, ensuring equitable treatment in the workplace.

Also read:

A test of strength: fighting for truth and justice in Armenia

“I have my right to work”: the resilience of a person living with HIV working in a hospital in North Macedonia

Response stories

Strength and сourage: fighting HIV discrimination in Uzbekistan

Solila (name changed), a 39-year-old woman, faced a serious problem at work because of her HIV-positive status. She worked in the kitchen, washing dishes in a small restaurant. One day at work, she had a conflict and a fight with one of her coworkers over spreading information about her HIV status.

After the incident, the management fired her. On REActor’s advice, the woman wrote a statement to the authorities. Initially, it was not accepted, but after the paralegal’s intervention, it was accepted.

Unfortunately, she could not be reinstated, as the owner of the establishment refused to take her back, explaining that other employees refused to work with her because of her HIV status. However the former colleague with whom the conflict occurred was fined and fired.

Despite all the difficulties, the woman found a new job and continues to live and work, overcoming discrimination and showing an example of resilience and courage.

Also read:

A test of strength: fighting for truth and justice in Armenia

Combating violence against women in Tajikistan: a path to change

Response stories

A test of strength: fighting for truth and justice in Armenia

In early 2024, Sergo (name changed) met a man on Telegram (a dating group for members of the LGBTIQ community) who offered to meet him. Having decided to do so, the guy went to the meeting. Afterward, leaving the car, he left his belongings there. But even when Sergo ran after the car to stop it, the stranger continued driving.

The next morning Sergo went to the police, fearing to confess to law enforcement officials that he had met the stranger through Telegram. During interrogation, they began accusing him of not serving in the army and mocking his HIV-positive status. When the conversation about a possible cab started, Sergo was forced to tell the truth that it was a meeting after meeting on Telegram. As a result, he was intimidated, threatened with criminal prosecution for untruthful statements, and was not allowed to leave the police station. Also, the police officers checked the guy’s phone and contacted his mother and other relatives. 

After seeking help from the REActor, the client was advised to contact a lawyer, who sent a warning to the office of the Human Rights Defender. With the support of this office, Sergo left the police station. Further, the lawyer contacted the police department and the pressure on Sergo stopped and a preliminary investigation of the criminal case was initiated based on his statement.

Also read:

“I have my right to work”: the resilience of a person living with HIV working in a hospital in North Macedonia

Combating violence against women in Tajikistan: a path to change

Response stories

The road to acceptance: the story of Eraj from Tajikistan

National REActors were approached by Eraj (name changed), a 46-year-old man living with HIV. The client had a history of injecting drug use and had been incarcerated. He heard about REActors from an acquaintance with whom he attends an opioid substitution therapy (OST) program. Eraj said he learned of his HIV status in prison in 2019 and has not taken antiretroviral therapy (ART) since then due to negative information about the medication. Having recently left prison, he had already been attending drug treatment and receiving substitution therapy for two weeks. The doctor strongly recommended starting HIV treatment, but Eraj was not ready due to negative beliefs. 

But the main reason for turning to REActors was stigma and discrimination from his family. Eraj was given a small room and separate utensils, and his children were forbidden to go near him. His mother constantly reminds him of his past as a prisoner and drug user, fearing that he may infect the whole family. The family does not believe his words as he has often lied to them. Eraj asked REActor to talk to his family to dispel myths about HIV and explain the importance of treatment. He said he could no longer tolerate this attitude and hoped for help.

The REActor listened to the man and gave him full information about HIV, AIDS, and ART, explaining the importance of starting treatment. She explained about her organization and services, offering to visit his home to talk to his family. The REActor asked the man to discuss with his mother first to ensure that the family was ready to talk. Three days later, the paralegal visited their home where all family members were gathered. She introduced herself and explained what HIV is, how it is transmitted, and why ART is vital. Eraj’s brother asked questions about substitution therapy, expressing his displeasure that it was also a drug, and blamed him for the problems. The REActor explained that OST is a legitimate form of treatment and that HIV can be controlled with ART. She asked the family to support Eraj through the process, warning that without help he could relapse. The family eventually decided to give Eraj another chance on the condition that he start treatment and work on himself.

A week after the visit, the REActor called Eraj to see how he was doing. He reported that he had started taking ART, was visiting the OST site, came home on time, and his brother had arranged for him to work as a construction assistant. He was happy that life was getting better and thanked me for the help.

Also read:

A story of harassment and humiliation in Armenia

United for equality: IDAHOBIT and the struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Response stories

Breaking barriers: combatting sexual orientation prejudice in Azerbaijan

Murad (name changed), a 20-year-old science student at a university, has faced immense challenges in his young life. At the age of 15, he discovered his sexual orientation when he fell in love with a friend. This realization brought him face-to-face with the harsh realities of prejudice and discrimination. As the only child of elderly parents, Murad took great pains to shield them from potential rumors and the societal backlash that could devastate them.

Despite his efforts to maintain a low profile, Murad’s secret was threatened when a classmate discovered his truth. The classmate menacingly suggested revealing Murad’s sexual orientation to his family, a prospect that filled Murad with dread. For Murad, the thought of his parents suffering because of his identity was unbearable.

In his distress, Murad reached out to REActor. Understanding the gravity of the situation, REActor referred Murad to a lawyer for immediate assistance. The lawyer arranged to meet Murad at the NGO Struggle Against AIDS (SAAPU) office to discuss the best course of action.

Following the lawyer’s advice, Murad invited the threatening classmate to a meeting. Though initially hesitant, the classmate agreed to attend. During the meeting, the lawyer calmly and firmly outlined the legal repercussions of mental abuse and blackmail. Confronted with the serious consequences of his actions, the classmate had a change of heart. He apologized to Murad and assured him that he would respect his privacy going forward.

Murad’s story highlights the fundamental importance of privacy as a human right. Privacy underpins freedom of association, thought, and expression, as well as freedom from discrimination. While different countries and individuals hold varying views on privacy, the rights of all human beings must be safeguarded, regardless of the obstacles they face. And thanks to the ongoing support and advocacy of organizations such as SAAPU and the work of REActors, the situation in the country is changing.

Also read:

Bridging borders: battling stigma in Bosnia and Herzegovina

“I have my right to work”: the resilience of a person living with HIV working in a hospital in North Macedonia

Response stories

The story of a pregnant girl fighting for her health in Ukraine

Hanna (name changed) went to a gynecologist at her place of residence because of pain in her lower abdomen. After an examination, she was diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage in the short term. After all the necessary tests, it turned out that the girl was HIV positive. She was not informed about this in an incorrect form, and instead of support and measures to preserve her pregnancy, she was strongly advised to terminate the pregnancy. The doctor argued that the child would be born sick, with a positive HIV status and possibly with other developmental disabilities.

Hanna was shocked by the doctor’s reaction and left without registering for pregnancy. At home, she started bleeding from stress and was quickly taken to the hospital. There, after learning about her positive status, she was still provided with help, although they hinted that she was a “special” patient and it would be nice to “pay”.

By chance, the girl found the organization and asked for help. The REActor introduced her to a social worker who began to take care of her, and they discussed an action plan to meet her needs. The REActor very correctly and professionally advised the girl on all issues related to her positive status, and accompanied her to the infectious disease specialist of the city AIDS center, where she was registered and prescribed ART therapy without any problems.

In addition, Hanna was offered a consultation with the organization’s psychologist to stabilize her psychological state and legal advice. The client continues to receive psychological counseling to stabilize her condition. She did not want to write a complaint in order not to return to a state of stress. The girl often visits the organization, receives therapy, and tries to improve her personal life.

Also read:

“I have my right to work”: the resilience of a person living with HIV working in a hospital in North Macedonia

Let’s stop discrimination: protecting children’s rights in kindergartens in Uzbekistan

Response stories

“I have my right to work”: the resilience of a person living with HIV working in a hospital in North Macedonia

A person living with HIV who takes antiretroviral medications can work. In North Macedonia the Law on Labor Relations and the Law on the Prevention and Protection from Discrimination both prohibit discrimination based on health status, which includes HIV. However, in this case, an attempt was made to prohibit a person living with HIV from continuing to work at his place of employment, a city hospital in one Macedonian town.

“Don’t come to work.”

In August 2023, the person underwent an HIV test at the hospital where he works as auxiliary medical staff. When the test came back positive, the information was shared with all of his colleagues. That same day, he received a call from a doctor informing him that he should not report to work the following day. At the same time, the individual had other health issues, so he sought medical assistance at the same hospital where he had worked for almost 35 years. The same doctor who informed the individual that he should not report to work declined to examine him. The individual left to seek medical assistance in another place. In the meantime, the person started taking antiretroviral medicines. 

After the visit to the hospital, the person took medical leave due to additional health conditions that necessitated bed rest. After his health issues were resolved, he wanted to return to work. However, his family doctor and the medical commission, which is in charge of awarding medical leave, continued to extend his medical leave without his consent and any specific reason, citing the fact that he is a person living with HIV. Soon after, he was directed to a doctor, who specialized in labor medicine, to evaluate his ability to work. According to the relevant legislation, if a person living with HIV is on medical leave for 10 months or less, he or she must have an assessment to determine his or her ability to work.

REAction and outcome

A REActor met with the individual and suggested he obtain a report from his doctor at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions, stating that he is well and has no reason not to work. After receiving the report, the Association Stronger Together from Skopje filed two complaints: one with the director of the hospital where the individual works and one with the state Health Insurance Fund. The letter to the director described the violations committed by the staff, such as the denial of healthcare, the disclosure of medical data, and insults directed at the employee, and demanded that the hospital should initiate an investigation and punish the perpetrators, while also undertaking measures to stop the harassment of the employee. The Hospital was also notified that Stronger Together and other civil society organizations would be ready to provide legal support to the person with HIV should he decide to take the matter to court. The letter to the Health Insurance Fund indicated that the family doctor and the medical commission are providing medical leave to those who don’t need it and by default, spending the Fund’s money without justification; additionally, the letter enunciated that the extension of the medical leave was without the patient’s consent. Following the complaints, there was a reaction by the Hospital, which allowed the person to return to work and he has not reported any other breaches of his rights afterward.

Also read:

Victory in the protection of privacy: the history of dormitory housing in Uzbekistan

Let’s stop discrimination: protecting children’s rights in kindergartens in Uzbekistan

Response stories

Bridging borders: battling stigma in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a married couple faces a complex legal battle with profound implications. Bekir (name changed) and Aurore (name changed), originally from Bosnia and Rwanda respectively, have encountered unexpected challenges in their quest to build a life together in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This story unfolds against the backdrop of immigration laws, health problems, and the pursuit of justice.

Their journey began with a serendipitous meeting in Rwanda, where Bekir was engaged in a construction project. Following their marriage in Rwanda, the couple encountered bureaucratic hurdles as they sought to establish a life together in Bosnia. Despite obtaining visas, Aurore’s HIV-positive status became a stumbling block in her application for permanent residency, with authorities citing concerns about public health.

Undeterred, the couple sought legal assistance to navigate the asylum process, recognizing it as a lifeline for their future together. With the support of a knowledgeable immigration lawyer, they are now advocating for refugee status based on principles of family reunification and the best interests of their child. Their case underscores the humanitarian imperative of preserving family unity and upholding international human rights standards, as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. By leveraging international human rights principles, they aim to secure refugee status and a pathway to a secure future in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Moreover, Aurore’s HIV status not only adds a layer of complexity to their case but also highlights pervasive discrimination and stigma. Beyond legal battles, the couple is fighting for access to adequate healthcare, submitting requests to relevant authorities to ensure Aurore’s right to tertiary medical care following international standards.

Their journey epitomizes resilience in the face of adversity and the transformative power of legal advocacy in safeguarding fundamental human rights. Through perseverance and strategic legal maneuvers, Bekir and Aurore remain steadfast in their pursuit of asserting rights and a brighter future in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Also read:

Finding support: Vardan’s story from Armenia

“I have my right to work”: the resilience of a person living with HIV working in a hospital in North Macedonia

Response stories

Violation of confidentiality of a patient at an AIDS center in Kazakhstan

Marat (name changed) faced a serious violation of his privacy and data protection rights. Due to his employment, he did not visit the AIDS Center where he was registered. A nurse from the facility visited him at his place of residence, but did not find the man at home. As a result, she left a note in the door, urging him to come in for a scheduled test. Neighbors who read the note misinterpreted the information about Marat’s HIV status and began to stigmatize him as “contagious”.

Leaving the note with information about Marat’s HIV status in a visible place led to a violation of his right to privacy and protection of personal data. It also resulted in serious social consequences, including stigmatization by his neighbors. According to the law, information about HIV status is strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed without the patient’s consent, and violation of these norms entails liability and may lead to legal consequences for the medical institution and its staff.

To protect his rights, Marat turned to REActors for help. In response to the nurse’s unlawful actions, REActors prepared and wrote a complaint to the AIDS Center.

Also read:

Finding support: Vardan’s story from Armenia

Confidentiality of people living with HIV in Uzbekistan: care for loved ones and protection of rights