Response stories

Ethics in question: a case of discrimination in Azerbaijan medicine

This case raises important questions about professional ethics, equality, and respect for every patient, regardless of their medical status.

Artur (name changed) addressed the national REActors of Azerbaijan. His story began with an ordinary visit to the dentist, which turned into a series of unpleasant events. The man went to the dentist because his tooth had broken. He hoped for quick and quality help. The doctor took measurements and explained that the only would be ready in a few days. Arthur made an advance payment for the work.

A few days later, the man returned for the finished clay. To his surprise, the dentist said that it was ready, but refused to install it. The reason why the dentist did not want to complete the work was the following: while waiting for the only to be ready, Artur shared with him that on a particular day, he needed to pick up his ART because he was a representative of the community of people living with HIV. The man tried to return the money, but his requests were ignored and he was chased out of the office. In desperation and not knowing where to turn for justice, Artem decided to tell his story to the national REActors of Azerbaijan. The case was taken up by them to achieve justice and solve the client’s problem.

Also read:

Seeking support: a woman living with HIV seeks help from REActors in Tajikistan

Violation of patient’s rights: the story of an arrest in an Armenian hospital