
REAct System was launched in Kazakhstan in April 2023 by Central Asian Association of People Living with HIV within the regional project Sustainability of Services for Key Groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (2022-2024). Cases are documented by 7 NGOs/CBOs that are located in 3 cities of the country: Almaty, Astana, Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Central Asian Association of People Living with HIV coordinates the work of REActors, provides legal assistance to people living with HIV and key groups, analyzes registered cases, and deepens REActors’ knowledge and competencies in the field of human rights.

Alliance for Public Health provides technical support for maintaining the base, analyzing the collected information and forming strategic goals for advocacy.

ECOM has been using REAct system for monitoting human rights violations in Kazakhstan since 2022. Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity is an international non-governmental association whose mission is to support the development of national LGBT communities and their activism, promote human rights, and protect the health and social well-being of gender- and sexually-diverse people.


A REActor in Kazakhstan is a community representative / an NGO employee, who, in addition to providing services and outreach work, is a “street lawyer” and documents cases of rights violations when community members turn to him with complaints. The REActor can advise, provide psychological support and provide primary legal advice, help with the preparation of primary documentation for solving the case.