

REAct in Uzbekistan has been implemented since December 2020 by the ISHONCH VA HAET organization as part of the regional project “Sustainability of Services for Key Groups in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region” (2019-2021). The pilot project is being implemented at the Tashkent city level. Since 2022, the project is supported by Regional Global Fund #SoS_project 2.0.

ICF “Alliance for Public Health” provides technical support for maintaining the base, analyzing the collected information, and forming strategic goals for advocacy.


8 specially trained REActors represent NGO “ISHONCH VA HAET”, document cases of violations of the rights of representatives of key groups, and provide legal assistance.

A REActor in Uzbekistan is a community representative, an NGO employee who, in addition to providing services and outreach work, is a “street lawyer” and documents cases of rights violations when community members file complaints with him. The REActor can advise, provide psychological support and provide primary legal advice, help with the preparation of primary documentation for solving the case.