Brochures Reports Useful materials

Regional Digest: Trends in Human Rights Violations Against Vulnerable Groups and Examples of Effective Responses to Them

The REAct project team has presented a new regional digest, providing an overview of human rights violations against vulnerable groups affected by HIV/AIDS in 14 countries in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. The digest highlights current trends and challenges faced by this population and offers an analysis of the human rights situation in the context of HIV/AIDS.

The REAct project continues its efforts to identify and document human rights violations while addressing crucial issues in the fields of healthcare and social justice for those impacted by HIV/AIDS. This digest represents another step toward raising awareness and emphasizes the ongoing need for concerted efforts to advocate for the rights and dignity of this vulnerable population.

As part of the regional campaign “Push forward! To end violence against women and girls”, REAct organized a series of webinars on how to counteract gender-based violence and how to qualitatively help women who come forward. Recordings of webinars in English, Ukrainian, and Russian are available below. In 2023, we encourage new listeners to view the webinar recordings. From November 25, 2023 to January 31, 2024, each participant receives a unique opportunity to take a short test and receive a personalized online certificate.

Visit useful materials on the REAct website for more useful courses andpublications. Operative data regarding human rights violations of vulnerable toHIV/AIDS communities is available as well on country data factsheets. Read more success stories of response here.

Brochures Reports Useful materials

Operational statistics: violations of the rights of vulnerable groups in Armenia

The operational report is based on data documented during January – October 2023. Statistics for the first half of 2023 are available on the website. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with published stories of responses to human rights violations.

The project is implemented since 2023 by New Generation Humanitarian NGO in cooperation with National Trans Coalition and Eurasian Key Population Coalition  within the #SoS_project “Sustainability of services for key populations in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.

Education courses Useful materials

Recording of the webinars about gender-based violence

As part of the regional campaign “Push forward! To end violence against women and girls”, REAct organized a series of webinars on how to counteract gender-based violence and how to qualitatively help women who come forward.

Recordings of webinars in English, Ukrainian, and Russian are available below. As well as presentations from each webinar with Georgian translation.

In 2023, we encourage new listeners to view the webinar recordings. From November 25, 2023 to January 31, 2024, each participant receives a unique opportunity to take a short test and receive a personalized online certificate.

Webinar №1
“Why does she endure? Causes, Preconditions, and Types of Violence in Relationships”

What is violence and how does it differ from conflict? Why does violence occur in relationships and how does it become routine? What happens in a relationship before he hits her for the first time? “Wheel of violence”: why do women often return to the abuser? “Retrieved Helplessness Syndrome”: why is a woman afraid to defend herself? Can an abuser stop?


Webinar №2
“Portrait of an Offender: How Stereotypes Turn into a Fist”

We will consider the psychological portrait of the offender – how to recognize the rapist? Based on a study in a Canadian prison, why do obedient boys grow up to kill women? How do beliefs and stereotypes fuel domestic violence? Warning signals: how to understand that he will soon hit her (Study “Murder Graph”). Mechanisms for the prevention of violence in society.


Webinar №3
“Do No Harm: Ways to Support Survivors of Violence”

We will look at how to properly help the victim and what (not-) should be done during a conversation with the victim. “My police protect me”: how to properly interact with law enforcement agencies in cases of violence and why “Can you make peace?” does not work. And also, let’s dwell on secondary trauma: why she is forced to talk again and again about the violence she experienced during the investigation and trial.

A series of webinars was held as part of the regional campaign “Push forward! To end violence against women and girls” , organizing the Alliance for Public Health within the framework of the regional project SoS_project and component C19RM for the support of the Global Fund.


Report on the results of the Analysis of the Hotline calls: Domestic and other forms of violence against women living with HIV and women in key populations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uzbekistan

Report on the results of the Analysis of the Hotline calls: Domestic and other forms of violence against women living with HIV and women in key populations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tajikistan



REAct joins 16 Days of Activism against Violence Against Women and Girls Campaign

The prevalence of violence against women and girls in all its forms is similar to a pandemic, on par with HIV and COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization, one in three women experience intimate partner violence. On November 25, the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the International Campaign “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” begins and will last until December 10 – Human Rights Day.

As part of the campaign, REAct is organizing a series of webinars for Eastern, South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia to support, protect and prevent violence against women and girls, especially from vulnerable groups.

Webinars announcement

Find out more about webinars and register.

Stories of brave women who have found the strength to defend their rights and resist violence will also be published daily. Let their stories inspire women from Ukraine, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan not to be abused by no one.

Read also:

Online course on drug decriminalization launched in Russian

REAct (Rights – Evidence – Actions): Course on using the tool

You may be interested in:

Hotline Analysis Report: Domestic and other forms of violence against women living with HIV and women in key populations during the COVID-19 pandemic


Registration is open! Webinar series on countering violence against women

The prevalence of violence against women and girls is similar to a pandemic, on par with HIV and COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization, one in three women experiences intimate partner violence. On November 25, the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the International Campaign “16 Days of Action Against Violence” begins and will last until December 10 – Human Rights Day.

As part of the campaign, REAct is organizing a series of webinars to support, protect and prevent violence against women and girls, especially from vulnerable groups. Stories of brave women who have found the strength to defend their rights and resist violence will also be published daily. Let their stories inspire women from Eastern Europe and Central Asia not to offend anyone.

TRANSLATION: The webinar will be translated into English, Russian, Albanian, Bosnian, Georgian, Ukraininan.

CERTIFICATES: Participants and participants who attend all three webinars and pass the test at the end will receive electronic certificates.

Webinar №1 December 05, 2022

What is violence and how does it differ from conflict? Why does violence occur in relationships and how does it become routine? What happens in a relationship before he hits her for the first time? “Wheel of violence”: why do women often return to the abuser? “Retrieved Helplessness Syndrome”: why is a woman afraid to defend herself? Can an abuser stop?

Webinar №2 December 07, 2022

We will consider the psychological portrait of the offender – how to recognize the rapist? Based on a study in a Canadian prison, why do obedient boys grow up to kill women? How do beliefs and stereotypes fuel domestic violence? Warning signals: how to understand that he will soon hit her (Study “Murder Graph”). Mechanisms for the prevention of violence in society.

Webinar №3 December 09, 2022

We will look at how to properly help the victim and what (not-) should be done during a conversation with the victim. “My police protect me”: how to properly interact with law enforcement agencies in cases of violence and why “Can you make peace?” does not work. And also, let’s dwell on secondary trauma: why she is forced to talk again and again about the violence she experienced during the investigation and trial.


Marta Chumalo is a Ukrainian gender expert, feminist, co-founder of the Women’s Perspectives Center, human rights activist, and psychologist with experience in helping victims of gender-based violence. For more than 25 years she has been working on gender equality and women’s rights in Ukraine and beyond.

Read also:

Online course on drug decriminalization launched in Russian

REAct (Rights – Evidence – Actions): Course on using the tool

You may be interested in:

Hotline Analysis Report: Domestic and other forms of violence against women living with HIV and women in key populations during the COVID-19 pandemic

Response stories

Buprenorphine in Moldova. Discrepancy between planned purchases and actual needs

In the first half of November 2022, 11 cases were registered in the REAct database. All of them were on the same topic, which excited the community of people on substitution therapy.
Access to treatment for drug addicts has been intermittent during the last few years. This is due to a discrepancy between planned purchases and actual needs, which leads to insufficient stocks. And this leads to the fact that patients are offered to switch to another drug, or sharply reduce the dose of the drug.
It has a negative impact on overall drug treatment and its effectiveness. Experience of previous years shows that in such situations the risk of returning to «street drugs» and all associated consequences such as delinquency, health problems, overdose and death increases.

On Tuesday, I got to the point where I was lowered the dosage. They said it was due to the Ukrainian war. But I don’t believe it’s the first time it’s happened, and they tell us what the story is, and then they find out it’s a hoax. Why is it happening and why are we being intimidated?

13.11.2022 Denis, 41 years old, substitution therapy patient.

I am really sick of them, they talk you up, and when you get used to the optimal dose, you start to get it off. Each day you worry about your health as it depends on the competent public authorities. Why is that happening and this is not the first time. How often you can make fun of people like that.

13.11.2022 Maxim, 35 years old, patient of substitution therapy.

So, on November 16, in front of the Ministry of Health, a working meeting was held under unusual conditions. Representatives from the Drug Dispensary, civil society and patients (drug therapy recipients) were in attendance.

Parties discussed the question of periodic interruptions in access to pharmaceutical treatment by buprenorphine in the Republic of Moldova. This is due to the gap between expected purchases and actual needs, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other unforeseen circumstances. Nevertheless, this leads to asking patients to change the medication, or drastically reduce the dosage of the medication.

Through meaningful dialogue, the meeting noted the following solutions in the current situation:

  • From all pharmacotherapy sites buprenorphine, where it is not used, will be redirected to compensate for the deficiency;
  • The emergency purchase process for a new batch of medication has begun;
  • In the future, the needs and the process of developing the terms of reference will be open and agreed at various stages by the SMS working group (country coordinating committee) or any other working group.
  • All sites that distribute pharmacotherapy will be required to use the licensing system. This will allow real-time inventory of drugs across the country and individually for each site.

We understand the complexity of the situation and do our best. Specifically, we have collected pharmacotherapy buprenorphine from all sites where it is not used to compensate for a deficiency on other sites. Also, the process of emergency procurement was launched: we appealed to the Odessa supplier and, we hope, that in the near future the issue will be resolved. And we agree in the future to use a wider platform where we will discuss and approve the need for the drug (buprenorphine, methadone) taking into account all perspectives and initiatives. And of course, we believe that the electronic system of registration of services, which is already used in Chisinau on two sites, is very effective, and we are for it to be used in all sites so that we at any time everyone can see what kind of coverage we have, how much drug in warehouses and other.

Tudor Vasiliev, Director of the Republican Drug Dispensary

The article used materials and photos – KAP Moldova – Comitetul populațiilor cheie afectate

Read also:

Limitation of access to buprenorphine in prisons in the Republic of Moldova

Great victory! The OST site is finally opened in Orhei


A regional meeting of the REAct system coordinators in Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries was held

On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, a meeting of national and regional coordinators of the REAct system was held. Implementers from countries in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region meet regularly online to share experiences in documenting and responding to human rights violations among members of vulnerable groups.

The call was attended by representatives of organizations that coordinate the work of the REAct tool: in Georgia – the Georgian Harm Reduction Network, in Moldova – the Positive Initiative, in Kyrgyzstan – the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, NGO “Partner Network”, in Tajikistan – “SPIN-Plus“, in Uzbekistan – Ishonch VA Khayet, in Ukraine – Alliance for Public Health, Balkan Region – Regional TB and HIV Community Network in South-East Europe (RTB&HIVCN).

ENPUD starts working with REAct

Since the beginning of 2022, the regional ECOM network has also joined the REAct system, and recently, the Eurasian Network of People Who Use Drugs (ENPUD) will document cases of human rights violations and discrimination against injecting drug users.

Read more about cooperation with regional networks:

ECOM begins to work in the REAct system to monitor and document human rights violations

From individual to strategic cases: ENPUD and REAct work together to protect the rights of key populations

New functionality of the REact tool

  1. Adding new questions to the questionnaire about what is the reason for the violation of the rights in the case: legislation, poor practice in the application of laws, or lack of protective laws.
  2. Introduction of a list of all rights in order to indicate in the case which right is violated.
  3. Analysis of the feasibility of the list of services provided to the victim/victim.
  4. Adding new questions regarding the response and actions aimed at the culprit so that similar cases do not recur in the future

An updated version of the REAct mobile app is available

System administrators have finalized all the updates, now the tool can be used both from a mobile phone and from a tablet if a laptop or computer is not available. The base is automatically synchronized with the web version. Check out the mobile app guide.

Publications based on data and evidence collected through REAct

Frontline AIDS report “Protectors or perpetrators?”

Report on the results of the Analysis of the Hotline calls in Tajikistan: Domestic and other forms of violence against women living with HIV and women in key populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Report on the results of the Analysis of the Hotline calls in Uzbekistan: Domestic and other forms of violence against women living with HIV and women in key populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

REAct will join the global campaign “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

REAct Country Coordinators are planning to join the 16 Days Global Campaign Against Violence this year. Soon we will publish more detailed information about the campaign and event announcements.

Brochures Useful materials

Do not hesitate to contact REActors in Montenegro!

REAct in Montenegro is coordinated by CAZAS, which is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that promotes health, provides support to vulnerable populations, and empowers young people.

Program REAct (Rights – Evidence– Actions) je usmjeren na podršku osobama koje žive sa HIV-om i osobama u riziku od HIV-a, u slučajevima kada se njihova prava krše ili se suočavaju sa nasiljem, diskriminacijom ili stigmom. Mi obezbjeđujemo savjetodavne konsultacije i podršku kako bi se prevazišle barijere u pristupu preventivnim uslugama u odnosu na HIV, kao i tretmanu I liječenju.

Brochures Useful materials

Do not hesitate to contact REActors in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

REAct in Bosnia and Herzegovina is coordinated by Partnerships in Health organization that strives for a human society in which all people have equal and fair access to health, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliations.

The REAct (Rights/Prava – Evidence/Dokaz – Actions/Akcija) je dobrotvorni projekat za podršku osobama koje žive sa HIV-om i osobama u riziku od HIV-a, kada su njihova prava povrijeđena ili se suočavaju sa nasiljem, diskriminacijom ili stigmom. Pružamo savjetovanje i podršku u zajednici za prevazilaženje zakonskih prepreka pristupu uslugama prevencije i liječenja HIV-a.

Brochures Useful materials

Do not hesitate to contact REActors in Albania!

REAct in Albania is coordinated by the Albanian Association of People Living with HIV / AIDS, with the initials PLWHA is an association of patients, non-governmental, non-profit, based in Tirana that extends its activity throughout Albania. The main goal of the activity is to improve the quality of life for PLHIV by providing services, capacity building for PLHIV for the promotion and protection of PLHIV Human Rights, such as the right to treatment, care, support, education and employment. The aim of the association is to develop and implement joint policies for the benefit of the health and well-being of individuals living with HIV / AIDS in Albania. The brochure is here.

REAct (Rights – Evidence – Actions) është një projekt bamirësie për të mbështetur personat që jetojnë me HIV dhe personat në risk për HIV-in, kur të drejtat e tyre shkelen ose përballen me dhunë, diskriminim apo stigmë. Ne ofrojmë konsultime ligjore dhe mbështetje të bazuar në komunitet, për të kapërcyer barrierat ligjore për aksesin në shërbimet e parandalimit dhe kujdesit për HIV.

Brochures Useful materials

Do not hesitate to contact REActors in Serbia!

REAct in Serbia is coordinated by Timok Youth Center, a nonpolitical, nonprofit, nongovernmental civic society organization aimed at increasing the development of civil society in Serbia, with a precise focus on the youth population.

REAct (Prava – Dokazi – Akcije) je program za podršku osobama koje žive sa HIV-om i osobama u riziku od HIV-a, kada su njihova prava povređena ili se suočavaju sa nasiljem, diskriminacijom ili stigmom. Pružamo konsultacije i podršku u zajednici za prevazilaženje zakonskih prepreka pristupu uslugama prevencije i lečenja HIV-a, ali i drugim uslugama.

Journals Useful materials

VOICE: Regional Assessment Report “Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine”

Partners' publication

The global humanitarian community is failing to meet the needs of women and girls displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and adequately support women and girl-led organizations at the forefront of emergency response, according to a new seven-part regional assessment. VOICE in partnership with HIAS.

Reports were prepared by a 10-person VOICE assessment team that spent four weeks interacting with women’s rights organizations, frontline workers, local NGOs, government officials, representatives of United Nations agencies, and internally displaced persons and refugees in Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. VOICE also conducted virtual interviews with women’s rights groups and other local organizations in Ukraine.

The reports paint a vivid picture of the challenges faced by women and girls displaced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as the need to ensure that women’s rights organizations and other local actors are integrated into responsive design and leadership from the outset.

Reports in Russian, English, and Ukrainian are available on the VOICE website.

Read also:

War crimes and violations of the rights of key communities against the background of russian military aggression

Challenges of war: the work of the REAct system in Ukraine

Education courses Useful materials

Combating Violence Against Women and Girls in Emergencies: Webinar Series for Shelters in Ukraine and Neighboring Countries

Partners' publication

VOICE Amplified, in partnership with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), has developed a 3-part webinar series for partner organizations in Ukraine and neighboring countries.

The purpose of the webinars is to provide a better understanding of the problem of violence against women and girls (VAWG) among Ukrainian war refugees and support their needs and recovery.

A recording of webinars on practical steps to combat violence against women and girls in crisis situations in English and Ukrainian is available here.

The series includes three consecutive webinars:

  • Introduction to Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) – Key Concepts: An overview of the different types of such violence and why it occurs, highlights the types of VAWG Ukrainian women experience and are at risk. It will also look at how the risks of VAWG increase during times of crisis and displacement and implement principles for dealing with those who have experienced violence.
  • Reducing the risks of violence against women and girls. This session will present VAWG risk mitigation strategies and provide recommendations for risk mitigation. VAWG in shelters and service delivery.
  • Critical services, including medical services needed to respond to VAWG.

These webinars will focus on the different types of support and services needed to respond to VAWG, with a particular focus on post-rape medical services and kits. We will look at the principles of working with those who have experienced VAWG and are going through various scenarios of how to put these principles into practice. Together with colleagues and a friend from VOICE, we developed training materials and conducted a series of webinars for shelters and temporary homes in Ukraine and countries hosting refugees.

Read also:

VOICE: Regional Assessment Report “Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine”

Recording of a webinar series on countering gender-based violence


Don’t miss REAct-related events at AIDS2022

Don’t miss out on REAct-related events at AIDS2022, taking place live and online in Montreal, Canada from July 26th to August 3rd.

At this year’s conference, there will be present statistics and evidence collected through the REAct tool in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

At the same time, REAct National Coordinator in Ukraine, Nadiya Semchuk, and REAct Regional Coordinator in the EECA region. Victoria Kalyniuk, will act as speakers and share their experience in documenting human rights violations, as well as will tell how to build efficient advocacy strategies based on collected evidence.

31 JULY 10:30 – 12:00 (GTM -4)Workshop, VIRTUAL ONLYCommunity-led human rights data for advocacy NOW: How marginalized communities are responding to rights violations impeding access to health and justice and implementing evidence-based
31 JULY14:15 – 15:15 (GTM -4)Oral abstract session / Hybrid format: Nothing about us without us: Community-led responses and research
2 AUGUST08:00 – 09:00 (GTM -4)Satellite session / Hybrid format: REPORT LAUNCH: Protectors or Perpetrators? The Impact of Unlawful Policing on HIV, Human Rights and Justice
News Response stories

Presentation of statistics of violations of the rights of people affected by tuberculosis, collected through the REAct tool, took place in Tajikistan

Since the beginning of 2022, the REAct tool in Tajikistan has also been used by project partners and national coordinators, SPIN Plus, to document violations of rights and legal barriers that people affected by TB face when accessing treatment and prevention services. The activity is carried out within the framework of the STOP TB PARTNERSHIP, UNOPS project “Improving access to prevention and treatment of tuberculosis among people living with HIV in Tajikistan”.

In the first half of 2022, 89 applications from people affected by tuberculosis were documented, which is 8% of the total number of registered cases in the country during this period. It should be noted that 49.4% of clients with TB also have a positive HIV status, 41.5% have a criminal record, and 18% use drugs. Therefore, most of the documented violations are indicative of stigma and discrimination based on a variety of grounds, including the presence of tuberculosis.

The report was presented on July 15, 2022, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) at a meeting with partner organizations.

Educational information about TB is available on the SPIN Plus Facebook page.

Journals Reports Useful materials

Operational Report: Violations of the Rights of People Affected by TB in Tajikistan

Since the beginning of 2022, the REAct tool in Tajikistan has also been used by project partners and national coordinators, SPIN Plus, to document violations of rights and legal barriers that people affected by TB face when accessing treatment and prevention services.

In the first half of 2022, 89 applications from people affected by tuberculosis were documented, which is 8% of the total number of registered cases in the country during this period. It should be noted that 49.4% of clients with TB also have a positive HIV status, 41.5% have a criminal record, and 18% use drugs. Therefore, most of the documented violations are indicative of stigma and discrimination based on a variety of grounds, including the presence of tuberculosis.

The report was presented on July 15, 2022, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) at a meeting with partner organizations.

The detailed operational report in Russian is below.

Brochures Journals Reports Useful materials

Report on the results of the Analysis of the Hotline calls: Domestic and other forms of violence against women living with HIV and women in key populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020-2021, 758 complaints were registered in the REAct system in Tajikistan about violations of rights, 413 of which were through calls to the hotline.

The report gives an account of the main findings based on the results of studying the information received from the KPs on violations of their rights and regarding manifested violence by both individuals and organizations of various levels and profiles of activity. The study results and the elaborated recommendations can be used by both individuals and organizations to emerge and implement support measures for vulnerable groups to counter violations of their rights, harassment and ferocity.

The pilot stage of the hotline in Tajikistan cropped up from October 2021 to March 2022. Hotline numbers were mainly focused on sustaining vulnerable groups of the population, such as: people living with HIV, users of psychoactive substances (PS), including injecting and non-injecting drugs, persons providing sexual services for compensation, trans* people, men, having sexual relations with men.

Read the detailed statistics in the report below.

Reports Useful materials

REAct Statistical Report 2021. Violations of the rights of people living with HIV, drug users, sex workers, men who have sex with men, trans* people, and other vulnerable groups in Moldova.

The main implementing partner in the Republic of Moldova is the Public Association “Positive Initiative” from Chisinau. The mission of the organization:

In our work, we unite the efforts of all responsible and interested parties, strengthening community systems, influencing public opinion and politics.

At the end of 2021, 5 out of 14 NGOs implemented routine screening for human rights violations in the national Electronic Monitoring System (a system for collecting data on services provided and handouts in the Republic of Moldova). In 2021, 3060 screening questionnaires were submitted, 361 people reported violations of their rights, of which 79 received legal advice and 55 were included in REAct.