Response stories

Assistance in obtaining OST

The REActor, a representative of the CO “VOLNA”, was approached by a participant in hostilities in Eastern Ukraine. The man asked for help to get into the program of substitution maintenance therapy (SMT). The day before, he had already applied to a health care facility in his hometown, where he received a denial without any explanations.

During the interview, he said that after being injured, he was demobilized, underwent several surgeries, after which he was constantly injecting painkillers, including opioids. Over time, doctors began to refuse him in highly potent drugs, but the pain did not stop. Instead, the man found a street drug to replace medication.

The REActor reached the head of the regional drug addiction treatment center for assistance in solving the client’s issue. Due to his health condition, it is difficult for the client to move, so the REActor constantly accompanied him to medical facilities and provided assistance in processing documents.

As a result of joint action, the client was placed on the dispensary register, after which he was provided with access to OST. To avoid long trips to the regional center to receive drugs, he was transferred to the OST-dispensing site at the place of residence. In addition, he was also provided with basic material assistance – food package, bandages, cotton wool and other necessary materials.

Lawyer’s advice Useful materials

Must healthcare services be provided with the online referral number and what to do if healthcare workers refuse to provide services?

REAct project clients often report that heath facilities refuse to provide medical care. 

Clients report cases when they visit a specialist physician for a consultation showing the number of the online referral received from their family doctor or attending physician as a message on their smartphone. However, healthcare workers demand a paper copy of the referral as a mandatory requirement to deliver the healthcare services which certainly creates inconveniences. 

Let’s see if such a requirement is reasonable and what to do in such situations. 

Upon the healthcare reform and with the implementation of the Program of Medical Guarantees, the order of providing consultations by specialist physicians and conducting examinations has changed. An online referral is required to obtain such medical services. This document is issued by a physician upon his/her own initiative or upon the patient’s request if the physician needs findings of an examination to assess the patient’s health status. This can be either a primary care provider (a family doctor, a general practitioner, or a pediatrician) or the physician providing specialized care to the patient. 

No health facility contracted by the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) can refuse to provide medical service to the patient for the absence of a paper copy of the referral, as long as the patient has a valid online referral number. 

According to the order, after an online referral is created, it is automatically registered in the central database of the Electronic Healthcare System (eHealth) designated to enable physicians from different facilities to access the referrals of their patients. Thus, a search inquiry for the referral is sent to the central database, and if a referral with such a number exists, it will appear in the informational system interface of the health facility.

The healthcare workers can only ask the patient to provide a printed copy of the electronic referral if it is possible, for example, in cases when the health professional cannot access eHealth from his/her office. In any case, this is not the reason to refuse to provide medical care upon referral! In case of such refusal, the patient needs to contact the chief physician or the deputy chief physician of the facility and to complain and demand delivery of the health service because the referral number is available. 

In general, referrals are designated to ensure delivery of inpatient or outpatient healthcare services; healthcare services delivered by mobile teams; laboratory, instrumental or functional tests.

Currently, online referrals break down into the following categories:

  1. Consultation
    1. Laboratory diagnostics 
    1. Diagnostic procedure 
    1. Procedure 
    1. Treatment and diagnostic procedure 
    1. Surgery
    1. Visualization 
    1. Hospitalization 
    1. Transfer to another health facility 

Is it possible to seek care in health facilities without a referral?

According to Order of the Ministry of Health # 586 as of 28.02.2020 “On endorsing the order of referring patients to health facilities and individual entrepreneurs duly licensed to run a healthcare practice who provide healthcare of the relevant type”, the referral is not mandatory in the following cases:

  • Seeking primary medical care;
  • Seeking secondary (specialized) outpatient medical care of obstetrician-gynecologist, psychiatrist, narcologist, dentist, pediatrician, TB specialist;
  • HIV counseling and testing;
  • Seeking paid medical services;
  • Other cases envisaged by legislature.

Specialized care is provided without referral to patients:

  • in an emergency (urgent) condition;
  • with chronic diseases on dispensary monitoring in this heath facility.

In other cases of seeking medical care without a referral in health facilities contracted by the NHSU for provision of healthcare services to the population, such medical care will not be free for the client (is not covered by the Program of Medical Guarantees) and must be paid for from other sources, for example, from the patient’s own money, based on the officially endorsed tariff in the health facility.

Psychologist's advice Useful materials

The first steps from being addicted to living a fully sober lifestyle

The tip number one from any former drug addicts is to arm yourselves with patience. Drug addictions cannot be cured overnight, especially if the addiction is long-standing. It is a crippling passion that completely breaks the person’s will, wrecking their psyche and undermining the physiological functions of a human body.

Patience is needed in the struggle for living a life free of drug abuse. After all, anyone who dares to quit the habit will have to face such things as:

  • Bouts of severe irritability;
  • Aggressiveness towards others; 
  • Painful withdrawal symptoms.

Throughout the long journey to a healthy life, it is important for a drug-dependent person to not forget about the goal they pursue, i.e., to stop taking drugs and do it for their own benefit. For a person with drug addiction issues, this is an extremely difficult task to accomplish, because from time to time this goal will fade into the background due to an uncontrollable craving for a “fix” again and backsliding into the habit.

The most important thing on the path of healing from addiction is to realize your problem and put your mind on overcoming it. Therefore, the first thing to learn is to keep this goal in mind all the time, have it imprinted there, and regularly remind yourself why the decision to give up drugs was taken.

According to former addicts, a drug-dependent person is a person “with a blocked soul.”

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to get through to such a person. The addict tunes out and does not respond or react, nor would they consider any solid arguments that might frighten them; no matter the amount of pleading or tears from family members. The desire of a drug addict for returning to a clean life can only be awakened by a situation created by the patient’s relatives and friends.

Remember: Drug addicts can only get rid of their addiction when they are ready for it, no matter what you tell them or do to them. They have to quit under their own efforts.

The person must realize that they are losing everything in their life.

Consider seeking professional help. There are organizations that support people with drug addiction issues and their family members. Such organizations set up and hold meetings to help people better understand how to behave around an addicted person and what helpful steps to take.

Important: Your own simple advice can only harm a drug addict. 

Thus, self-medication with antidepressants or sleeping pills is considered the most dangerous move that “helpers” can make. Giving the wrong type of antidepressant or sleeping pill, the wrong dose or duration of therapy, often provoke acute psychosis, panic attacks, hallucinations, or suicide attempts.

There are other dangers involved here, such as:

  • Poisoning from overdose of analgesics and sleeping pills, especially their combinations;
  • Unpredictable mental reactions;
  • The effect of alcohol and other mind-altering substances coupled with a weakened state of mental health provokes nervous breakdowns, suicidal tendencies, and aggressive behavior;
  • Death from heart, liver or kidney failure;
  • Prolonged use of psychotropic drugs causes chronic diseases in these organs, and it is hard for them to withstand a new load in the form of alcohol and medication.

As an example, also consider the pros and cons of an addicted person’s forcible isolation: when they are kept at home by force, not allowed to take mind-altering drugs, or see their friends. According to family and close friends, this is how the addicted person should endure through withdrawal and beat the addiction.

This technique can only have an effect on those who once tried out a light drug, “just to be sociable,” when spending time with their friends, and who do not have any psychosocial problems. 

But such cases are rather an exception to the rule because mentally healthy and self-sufficient people are not attracted to drugs.Involuntary isolation simply suppresses cravings for substances, pushing the addicted person to endure through the withdrawal symptoms. However, this strategy does not get rid of the underlying problems, i.e., psychosocial disorders. Therefore, the person concerned will continue to use as soon as the first opportunity is available.

Home isolation is not only ineffective but also unsafe. To get on top of the addiction problem, help needs to be sought not only from family members. A good option would be to closely communicate with a kindred soul, a former drug addict who has been down the road of treatment and rehabilitation. Such a person would know perfectly well what the addicted person is going through. Their advice and support are extremely important during a period of struggling to live clean. The new acquaintance should know absolutely everything about the addicted person’s life. There is no point in holding back on anything. After all, it is impossible to offer meaningful advice to a person who is blocking out the painful images of the past and bruising memories, which are the real causes of drug abuse. The new friend should not only be trusted, but their reliability must also be beyond any doubt. It is best to find a person like this among volunteers working in rehabilitation centers or anonymous drug treatment groups. It will be much easier for people like these to understand and reach the drug addict and really help out.

Is it possible to beat the addiction alone? 

No! Well, unless you move to a desert island, which is basically a utopia. Try finding like-minded people! This is the first step to self-healing. Try to understand these two most important things: you are ALREADY a drug addict. Even if you “just smoke weed.” Even if you do it infrequently. Drugs are quite insidious.

There is no need to lie to those who love you. You’d better have a major argument, and endure the screaming and threats, but end up getting the help you need.

Only with the support of your near and dear ones, a better understanding of your family members, as well as advice and guidance from former addicts will you be able to defeat this deadly menace. The most important step to recovery, which must be taken by the addict themselves, is to become personally convinced that you are better off facing a new life without the burden of drugs, living a brighter and more interesting life, rather than existing for the sole purpose of getting your next fix.

Response stories

Violation of a TB patient’s rights

As part of the REAct project, a team of REActors has been working in the Kherson region since last year.

This summer, a member of NGO Ukraine Without Tortures was approached by a man asking for help. This man had an off-the-books job, when the employer found out he had TB, he was immediately dismissed. Then the man went on to seek help from the Employment Center, but they didn’t even bother putting him on records of unemployed, saying he had better start looking for a job once his treatment is complete. 

Once the REActor heard this story, she consulted the man on how to act in this situation of violation of his rights to work and social security.

The REActor personally accompanied the man to the Employment Center, where they learnt that the man’s retirement pension was due in a little over a year from then. Therefore, he was registered to start receiving pension benefits after the retirement age was reached. Next, the REActor accompanied this man to the Department of Labor and Social Protection, where he filed an application asking for financial support as a low-income person. 

Currently, this man is receiving social assistance and waiting for his retirement pension to be granted.

Lawyer’s advice Useful materials

What should you do if the police refuse to register a claim and respond to it?

The REAct project often registers violations of rights of key populations by the police, including refusal to accept the claims from project clients reporting criminal offenses against them to the police. Such offenses include beating, robbery, fraud, hatred-driven crime, etc.

Quite often, when police officers see that a person reporting an offense may be addicted to drugs, be a commercial sex worker or have a certain sexual orientation, they try to prevent filing a claim of an offense against the claimant or refuse to respond. 

In what ways do police officers refuse to register the claim?

Dishonest police officers try to convince the person not to file the claim explaining it by unreasonable excuses such as “there are many offenses like this one”, “nothing can be proven”, “we have no capacities”, etc. Even after accepting the claim, they register it according to the Law of Ukraine “On civilians’ claims” and review it as a routine civilian claim, instead of registering the claim in the Universal Register of Pre-trial Investigations and considering it a claim of a criminal offense. Later they write the claim off without investigating it. This is related primarily to cases of a misdemeanor which are a majority of claims. 

What do you need to remember when reporting an offense to the police?

According to the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the national police”, the police must perform its duty 24 hours a day. Therefore, criminal offense reports must be accepted at any time. Reports on criminal offenses or other events must be immediately accepted on a 24-hour basis by the police authority to which the claim was submitted. Control of timely registration of the claim by the authorized police officer lies within the scope of duties of the immediate supervisor of a police officer in the authority (department). In case of a failure to accept the claim by police officers, you can call the police hotline at 0-800-50-02-02 or approach the head of the unit to complain. In case of an argument with the police officers, you need to demand immediate call of the unit officer responsible for timely registration of claims and reports to inform them about obstruction to filing a claim.

A report of a criminal offense must contain the following information:

The report of a criminal offense must contain the following information: the police unit the claim is submitted to, name, residence address, and contact phone number of the claimant, known circumstances related to the offense, available evidence, witnesses (if any). Prequalification of the offense must be indicated according to the Criminal Procedure Law of Ukraine. The report must contain a demand to initiate a criminal proceeding. The report must be submitted in two copies. Request to mark the receipt of the report indicating the date, the name, and position of the police officer accepting the report, on the second copy, and ask for a contact telephone number. Acceptance of the report must be confirmed by a receipt notification of acceptance and registration of an offense claim in the Universal log of claims and reports, maintained by the relevant police authority.

What are the terms for reviewing the claim about a criminal offense?

According to the current legislature, the investigating officer must enter the information in the Universal Register of Pre-trial Investigations within 24 hours from submission of the claim. After 24 hours the claimant has the right to request an extract from the Universal Register of Pre-trial Investigations indicating the number of the criminal proceeding, date and time of entering information to the Universal Register of Pre-trial Investigations, the name of the investigating officer, and prequalification of the offense. 

What should you do if the police fail to respond and register the claim in the Universal Register of Pre-trial Investigations?

If this does not happen, you need to complain to the local investigating judge at the location of the unit department about the investigator’s failure to respond. The review terms for such complaints are limited to 10 days from the moment the violation occurred. After this term, the court may reject the complaint about the investigator’s failure to respond for missing the deadline to appeal. A complaint submitted in the due term will be reviewed by the investigating judge within 3 days. The investigator is obliged to issue to the claimant the extract from the Universal Register of Pre-trial Investigations and assign the claimant the status of the aggrieved based on the claim, immediately upon adoption by the court of the resolution to enter claim information to the Universal Register of Pre-trial Investigations. 

Note that if you need to complain about police officers for any reason, you can: 

– call 102 to report the wrongdoing by the police officers; 

– call the police hotline at 0-800-50-02-02; 

– report the offense by the police officer to the Main Police Department in the relevant oblast. 

Criminal acts by police officers must be reported to the State Investigation Bureau. 

Psychologist's advice Useful materials

What is bullying and how to deal with it?

Bullying at school is a complex and difficult issue to deal with. In modern-day schools, more than 10 percent of students suffer from bullying on a daily basis. So let’s explore what this phenomenon is all about and how to deal with it. 

Bullying is an act of psychological, physical, economic, or sexual violence in an educational institution setting, potentially including the use of electronic means of communication, directed against minors under or over 14 years of age or committed by them against other students, which might result in having the effect of harming the victim’s mental or physical health.

Bullying can manifest itself as psychological pressure (insults, humiliation, threats, ignoring, etc.) and physical abuse (hitting, pushing, degrading physical contact, beatings, etc.). Often, physical and psychological pressures are combined.

Both aggressors and victims suffer fallout from bullying. All of them are experiencing emotional problems, not knowing how to build relationships with people, having psycho-emotional development issues, and will need adult support and help to develop healthy relationships with people not only at school but throughout their lives.

How to understand if a child is a victim of bullying

  • Children who suffer from bullying may not want to go to school, they may cry, or fake being sick on school days;
  • They avoid participating in joint class activities, social activities;
  • Often, the child’s behavior changes: they tend to avoid other people and show unusual behaviors;
  • The child starts “losing” money, torn / ripped clothing or broken things when they come back home may be another sign your child may be experiencing bullying. When you ask them what happened, the child might altogether avoid explaining or engaging with you;
  • They can start talking about dropping out of school, skipping activities that involve other students;
  • Lack of contact with peers: no friends, no exchanges on social networks, no one to check in with about a homework assignment, etc.;
  • Psychosomatic symptoms: frequent illnesses, such as body aches, abdominal pain, viral infections;
  • Doodles or things scribbled / drawn all over the hands or a certain kind of drawings in the margins of the notebook;
  • The desire to make a different route choice when walking to school to avoid all other children.

Types of bullying

The term “bullying” is usually used to describe victimizing among students, but there are cases involving bullying of students by teachers, bullying of teachers by students, or even bullying of teachers by teaching staff (mobbing).

How many children suffer from bullying

According to UNICEF’s research, in this case 40 percent of children do not share their problems with anyone, including their parents. Shy and quiet children are twice as likely to be bullied as their outgoing peers. Most children are taunted for the way they dress, speak, or behave if it differs from that of the core group.

44 percent of children who witness bullying simply remain bystanders to bullying because they are afraid for themselves.

Who falls victim to bullying

Psychologists identify several key aspects that are common to victims of bullying:

  • Low self-esteem. Even if it shows in the child’s behavior through narcissism, excessive openness, or arrogance.
  • The atmosphere at home. Very often, victims of bullying are children who are humiliated, degraded, or insulted at home. Or there are families that look at the child from a place of pity all the time. In this case, if the child is accustomed to being a focus of attention or parental indulgence, they will tend to create around themselves a similar atmosphere at school.
  • Classroom atmosphere. Some groups including a child aggressor emerge spontaneously or are created by the teacher. They deliberately look for the weaker prey, using it as a punching bag, for better dealing with their own psychological issues.

What to do if you’re bullied

  • Ignore the offender. If possible, try to avoid getting into arguments, act as if you don’t care and walk away. This kind of behavior is not a sign of cowardice, because, on the contrary, sometimes it is much harder to do so than to give free rein to your emotions.
    • If the situation does not allow you to leave, while maintaining your self-control, use your sense of humor. In this way you can confuse the offender / offenders and distract them from the intention to annoy you.
    • Restrain your anger and rage. After all, this is exactly what the offender wants. Speak calmly and confidently.
    • Do not get into a fight. The offender is just waiting for an excuse to use force. The more aggressively you react, the more you are likely to find yourself in a situation that threatens your health and safety.
    • Don’t be ashamed and feel free to discuss such threatening situations with people you trust. This will help you work out the right course of action and stop the violence.

What parents should do if their child is a victim of bullying

First of all, calm down before you start this conversation with your child.

  • Make it felt and understood that you are there, ready to support and help out, listen and protect.
  • Reassure your child that you are not blaming them for what is happening and that they can speak out openly.
  • Remember that the child may be uncomfortable talking about this topic as they are vulnerable at this point. Be patient and gentle.
  • Try to find out what you can, but do not ask prying questions and do not repeat the same questions over and over again.
  • Invite them to think about what actions would help them feel safer right now (for example, to be closer to adults for a while, to not stay after school, etc.).
  • Tell your child that there is nothing wrong with reporting aggressive behavior toward someone to a teacher or at least friends. Explain the difference between “gossiping” and “caring” in reference to your life or the life of a friend / classmate.
  • Ask them how your help will be useful to the child, listen carefully. Perhaps you will suggest your own option. This will help hammer out a shared strategy for change.
  • Remember that situations of physical violence require immediate parental intervention and a visit to the school.
  • Work through it with your child to find new ways for responding to the bullying.
  • Discuss who your child can turn to for help at school: the school psychologist, teachers, administrative staff, adult students, security guards, parents of other children.
  • It is important to understand why your child is trapped in a bullying situation. We recommend that you consult a child psychologist.
  • Support your child in developing friendly relationships with peers.
  • Explain to your child that change will happen gradually, but they can count on your support all the time.

How to help a child aggressor

A child who bullies others needs just as much attention and help as a child who is bullied. If your child is an aggressor, we recommend you follow the steps below:

  • Talk openly with your child about what is going on, find out how they feel about their actions, and how other children react. You may hear that “everyone does that,” or “he deserves it.”
  • Listen carefully to your child and focus on finding the facts, not on your own assumptions.
  • Don’t underestimate the seriousness of the situation using clichés such as “boys will always be boys” or “taunting, fighting, and other forms of aggressive behavior are just childish jokes and a completely natural part of childhood.”
  • Carefully explain what actions are considered bullying. These include harassment, making up abusive nicknames, using threats of physical violence, intimidation, ridicule, sexual comments, boycotting another child or incitement to ignore them, gossip, public humiliation, pushing, spitting, damaging personal belongings, derogatory remarks or gestures, and more.
  • Children who are bullying others remain in denial about this for as long as they can. Calmly explain to the child that their behavior can harm not only the victim, but all others as well. And the further it goes, the worse the bullying will affect all parties involved.
  • Make it clear to your child that aggressive behavior is a very serious problem and that you will not tolerate it in the future. Clearly and persistently, but without anger, ask the child to stop acting aggressive and violent.
  • Tell your child that they need help, and so you will temporarily keep in touch with the teachers to make sure your child is making an effort to change the situation.
  • Threats and punishments will not work here. They may stop the bullying for a while, but in the long run it will only increase aggressive behavior and resentment.
  • It is not worth focusing on the feelings of the child who is being bullied. The one who shows aggression normally separates their own feelings from the feelings of another person.
  • Aggressive behaviors and acts of violence may indicate your child has emotional problems or behavioral disorders. Consult a school or child psychologist.

Why is it important to react in good time?

Bullying affects everyone involved in or witnessing it as bystanders, and has destructive consequences in the future.

Yes, those who are bullied:

  • Lose a sense of their emotional and physical safety, and their trust for the place where they should stay on a daily basis;
  • Feel helpless and live under constant fear and threat. Bullying provokes anxiety and depressive disorders, suppresses the immune system, thus increasing vulnerability to a host of diseases;
  • Lose self-esteem. Fears and insecurities destroy the ability to develop and maintain relationships with peers, which leads to feelings of loneliness;
  • Lose interest in various forms of activity and cannot study properly. In some cases, there is a link between bullying and eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), emotional disorders (depression and suicidal behavior).

Those who bully others:

  • Are more likely than others to find themselves involved in situations of violence or breaking the law;
  • Are more often involved in fist fights and vandalism, or engage in early sexual intercourse, and have experience with alcohol and drugs.

Those who witness bullying:

  • Often suffer from feelings of helplessness, ethical conflict: debating whether they should intervene in a situation of bullying or stay away;
  • Suffer from depression or overagitation, tend to attend school less. 

Even a single case of bullying leaves a deep emotional mark, thus making the problem the most common reason for child psychologist referrals.

Responsibility for bullying

On December 18, 2018,  the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the Law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying (Harassment).  The law came into effect on January 19, 2019.

The law shall impose such penalties as fines for bullying, i.e., to the tune of 50 to 100 non-taxable minimum incomes (from UAH 850 to UAH 1,700 in 2021), or community service for a period of twenty to forty hours.

If the bullying was inflicted by a group of people, or if it was carried out repeatedly within a year after the imposition of an administrative penalty liability, it is punishable by a fine from 100 to 200 (from UAH 1,700 to UAH 3,400 in 2021) tax-free minimum incomes or community service for forty to sixty hours.

If the bullying was done by a minor (a person under 18 years of age) or a minor under 14 years of age, the fine shall be paid by the parents or persons caring for the children.

In addition, if the head of the educational institution fails to report the bullying to the police, they will have to pay a fine of 50 to 100 non-taxable minimum incomes or perform correctional work for up to one month with up to 20 percent of earnings withheld.

The practice of punishment for bullying in Ukraine

During the first year after the enactment of the law, the courts examined 316 cases of bullying, of which 123 cases (40 percent) involved imposing penalties:

  • In 103 cases (84 percent) – a fine (most often imposed on the child’s mother);
  • In 10 cases (8 percent) – community service (which, according to the judges, is rarely awarded due to low efficacy);
  • In 9 cases – a caution, which is not provided for as a penalty under the legislative article concerned;
  • In 1 case – the obligation to apologize publicly.

Legal professionals point out that one of the reasons for not awarding a punishment is improperly drawn up official records of the offense. Their contents are one of the most important pieces of evidence to be examined by the court.

Lawyer’s advice Useful materials

What are the child benefit payments and how to claim this money?

1. Child benefit payment. In 2021, child benefit payment amounts to 41 280 UAH. 

At the birth of a child, parents must receive a one-off payment of 10 320 UAH. The remaining 30 960 UAH are paid in monthly installments of 860 UAH for the period of three years. 

The new draft law approved by the Government envisages that from January 1, 2022, the child benefit amount will be 50 000 UAH. According to the draft law, the first one-off payment will constitute 25% of the total amount (12 500 UAH), and the remaining amount will be paid in monthly installments of 1041 UAH for 36 months period. 

To claim the child benefit, you need to provide the following documents: 

  • Child’s birth certificate (or adoption approval for the guardians);
  • Application of the father or the mother;
  • Individual tax number and a copy of the passport. 

You need to bring these documents to the social protection department at parents’ registration or actual residence*. Documents to claim child benefit must be submitted no later than 12 months after the birth of the child. 

*Please note! Child benefit may be assigned at the place of actual residence (not official registration), but upon providing to the social protection authority a certificate confirming that the child benefit was not received at the place of registration.

2. Financial support to single mothers. Child benefit is an important issue for most single mothers. 

At first, we need to define the term “single mother”. According to the Ukrainian legislature, single mothers are women bringing up children without the involvement of their fathers. Officially single women who bring up and sustain minor children are assigned the status of a single mother in Ukraine. The record of the father in the child’s birth certificate must be either absent or duly entered by authorized civil registry officials based on the mother’s statement. This category also includes women who decided to adopt a child while being single. 

A widow bringing up a minor child is also eligible for this status if she has not divorced the deceased father of the child before his death. In such circumstances, an official confirmation of non-receiving the survivor’s pension or other aid is required. 

Is a woman being in a civil union with the child’s father but not officially married to him, considered a single mother?

Such a woman is eligible for single mother benefit unless it is proven that the couple lives together, brings up children together, shares a household. 

Is the mother eligible for single mother benefit after she is officially married?

A single mother remains eligible for financial support after she registers an official marriage. An exception is cases when the husband submits documents for the adoption of the child. 

Single mothers are also entitled to social welfare. According to the Law of Ukraine “On state support to families with children”, they are eligible for child benefits. Under certain circumstances, single mothers can claim temporary financial aid. Payments to employed and unemployed single mothers are made after they apply to the relevant authority. 

How to claim single mother benefits? To claim the benefit, you need to approach the department of social welfare at the place of actual residence or registration. 

To apply for single mother benefit, the following documents are required: 

1. Application. 

2. Passport of a citizen of Ukraine. 

3. Child’s birth certificate (or the adoption resolution, in case of an adoption). 

4. The certificate confirming that the mother does not receive the survivor’s pension. 

5. Extract from the civil registry office stating the grounds for entering information about the child’s father to the civil record (that information on the father is not available, or that it is entered on the basis of the mother’s statement). 

6. Document confirming that the mother and the child live in the same household. 

How long the single mother benefit is paid?

Payments are made on a monthly basis until the child turns 18, or until 23 if the child continues intramural full-time university education. 

Single mother benefit is paid as a difference between 100% of the subsistence minimum for a child of relevant age and the total monthly average family income per one family member. 

Maximum size of single mother benefit in 2021: 

  • Children up to 6 years of age: from July 1, 2021: 2013 UAH; from December 1, 2021: 2100 UAH. 
  • Children aged 6 to 18 years: from July 1, 2021: 2510 UAH; from December 1, 2021: 2618 UAH. 
  • Children aged 18 to 23 years, in case of training: from July 1, 2021: 2379 UAH; from December 1, 2021: 2481 UAH. 

In addition to compulsory aid, single mothers are entitled to claim temporary public aid. 

Under what circumstances temporary public aid can be claimed? 

  1. Upon submission of a statement that the father of the child avoids paying alimony, or in case the father has no money to pay alimony or no seizable property in his disposition. 
  • If one of the parents is under arrest or on remand, hospitalized for treatment, recognized incapable or has been conscripted.
  • If the father’s actual place of living is not identified. 

To claim temporary aid, a single mother must submit the package of documents mentioned above. The temporary aid is calculated on the basis of the child’s age and the subsistence minimum set on the day of submission of the application. The acceptable minimal payment is 30%, but not exceeding 50% of the subsistence minimum set for children.

Response stories

Dealing with HIV-related stigma within the family

Concerned over the man’s HIV-positive status and a history of TB, the client’s ex-wife would not let him see their child. He was frustrated not only because he could not see his own daughter, but also from the pain of suffering having to face a wall of stigma and insults erected by his ex-wife. His last hope was to find a helping hand in REAct through an understanding social worker (REActor) of NGO 100 Percent Life.

After hearing the man’s story, the NGO employee decided to meet with the woman to explain details about her ex-husband’s condition and shed light on ways of HIV transmission and treatment. At first the woman would not agree to see her, but when they finally met, the REActor reassured her that HIV infection was not transmissible in a household setting. Eventually, the woman changed her mind and the happy father is now actively spending time with his daughter.

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How to prevent refusal and failure to provide medical services in the context of quarantine restrictions

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine published the list of medical services provided in hospitals during the quarantine. Resolution # 322 as of May 4, 2020 “On amending Paragraph 8 of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 211 as of March 11, 2020” was published on the Government Portal.

The published resolution states that planned hospitalization and planned surgeries in health facilities are forbidden for the quarantine period, except:

  • Healthcare provision in oblasts and the city of Kyiv where bed occupancy in the health facilities assigned for hospitalization of patients with confirmed COVID-19, is less than 50%;
  • Medical care for complicated pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Provision of medical care to pregnant women, women in childbirth, postpartum women and newborns;
  • Provision of medical care to cancer patients in specialized departments of health facilities;
  • Provision of inpatient palliative care;
  • Other emergency and urgent hospitalization and planned surgeries if their rescheduling (postponement) may pose significant life risk.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine confirms that all the healthcare services non-provision of which causes puts patient’s life at serious risk or may result in a critical state of the patient, must be provided in full scope and timely. 


  • Care in complicated pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Care of pregnant women, postpartum women and newborns;
  • Care of cancer patients in specialized departments of health facilities;
  • Healthcare services in diseases requiring cardiothoracic operations if termination (postponement) of such services will put patient’s life and health at significant risk;
  • Inpatient palliative care;
  • Care in other emergency and urgent hospitalizations and planned surgeries, where postponement in providing medical care carries the risk of life-threatening conditions.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine sent out to regions recommendations on postponing planned surgeries and the delivery of other healthcare services to prevent the dissemination of COVID-19 in the territory of Ukraine.

Inpatient and outpatient care is provided in secondary and emergency healthcare facilities. Patients are referred to such facilities under planned and emergency conditions. Patients may seek care without a referral in the following cases:

  • For emergency medical care;
  • If the services of an obstetrician-gynecologist are required;
  • For dental care;
  • For voluntary HIV counseling and testing.

The absence of personal identification documents cannot be the reason for a refusal in referral to consultation or hospitalization or in emergency hospitalization or consultation if indicated.

Vital medications under municipal and state programs must be supplied to patients as scheduled.

Response stories

A dream job almost lost due to LGBT-related stigma

An ordinary guy at first glance, Oleh has had a passion for photography since childhood, so turning a hobby into a profession in his adult life to become a photographer seemed like a logical step to take. One day he found out that a local TV channel was looking for a cameraman. Inspired and driven to use his talents and energies for the good of his hometown, the man decided to try his luck in getting the job. The first stages of the job interview process went great, and Oleh felt “in his element.” However, at the end of the interview process, conversation shifted to his photos posted on social networks showing him with his “boyfriend” during the Kyiv Pride march. The potential employer stressed that Oleh’s open support for and affiliation with the LGBT community might ruin his chances of securing his dream job. 

The man did not know what to do: Should he delete all physical evidence linking him to the LGBT community, even though that felt like self-betrayal and giving up on his own identity? Or should he bite the bullet and put on a mask to disguise his intrinsic nature in order to land his dream job or should he refuse to betray himself and just walk away? The client took his dilemma to REAct.

As part of the REAct monitoring system, the client was linked to legal and psychological assistance. His consultation with the legal counsel confirmed Oleg’s suspicions that there was no legal basis for the demands the potential employer was making, while the session with the psychologist helped him, to use his own words, develop a plan for communication with the employer, which was aimed at safeguarding the values important for the client and standing up for his right to be himself.

The employer ended up accepting Oleh’s rationale after Oleh had laid out his reasons and arguments, and took him on a trial period prior to permanent employment. Thus, thanks to the assistance from REAct employees, the client secured the desired job and stayed true to his life principles.

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How to prevent refusal and failure to provide social services

On January 01, 2020, the Law of Ukraine “On social services” came to force, envisaging provision of social services:

  1. Social services are provided free of charge to individuals whose average total monthly income does not exceed two subsistence minimums for the relevant category of individuals (for example, the current subsistence minimum for able-bodies persons 2270 UAH per month).

Also, free of charge:

  • regardless of the income, to people – victims of human trafficking who receive social support according to the legislature on preventing human trafficking;
  • to people – victims of domestic violence or gender violence;
  • to children with disabilities, persons with Group 1 disability;
  • to orphan children, children deprived of parental care, individuals of this category under 23 years of age;
  • to families of guardians, custodians, foster families, family type children’s home, the families of caregivers, sick children who were not established the disability status.

All other categories of individuals are provided free of charge emergency (crisis) social services, representation of interests, counseling services, etc.

2) at a differential charge (the beneficiary of service covers a share of its cost) – to individuals with average total monthly income exceeding two but not exceeding four subsistence minimums for the relevant category of individuals.

3) at a charge – to individuals with average total monthly income exceeding four subsistence minimums for the relevant category of individuals.

According to the Law, social services are measures aiming at preventing difficult life circumstances, addressing such circumstances, or mitigating their negative consequences for individuals/families being in such circumstances.

Social services are provided:

1.            At the place of living (home-based);

2.            On the premises of the social service provider:

– stationary – during 24-h stay (accommodation) of the social service recipient, with meals and accommodation provided;

– semi-stationary – during a certain time of the day, with facilities for overnight or daytime stay;

3.         At the location of the social service recipient, including in the street.

Typical forms of providing social services 

Home-based social assistance is the provision of social services at home.

A social worker provides various kinds of social services, including:

  • meal preparation (assistance in meal preparation) at home, feeding;
  • purchase and delivery of goods from a shop or a marketplace, delivery of books, magazines, newspapers, medications at the cost of the individuals receiving the social services;
  • calling a doctor, assistance in periodic medical checkups and hospitalization, visiting patients in health facilities, arrangement of consultations by specialist physicians and other specialists;
  • assistance in home cleaning, laundry, personal hygiene, mending of shoes and clothes, fuel supply;
  • preparation of documents to receive subsidies for utilities and communal services, other types of social services, making payments;
  • reading the press;
  • preparation of documents required for treatment in a health resort, accommodation to a residential center, geriatric residential center, a boarding house for military and labor veterans, a nursing home for mental patients, a veteran residential center, other social facilities;
  • support in provision of the necessary technical and other rehabilitation means;
  • other social services.

Provision of targeted in-kind and financial aid is a service delivered to individuals who, based on the living conditions assessment report, need in-kind or financial assistance. Based on the capacities, available finance, and resources, the department provides to such individuals free of charge:

– clothes, shoes, other essential needs (if available);

– drugs and medical supplies (if available);

– household hygiene items (if available);

– food and commodities;

– services of a seamstress and a hairdresser.

Provision of social adaptation services includes services provided to individuals with partial mobility impairment, individuals partially incapable to take care of themselves who do not have medical contraindications for staying around other people and need social adaptation, in order to address the disability, prevent occurrence and development of possible illnesses, maintain health and social independence of the individual, renew knowledge and route-finding skills at home, household and self-care skills, interpersonal skills, foster development of various interests and needs of the individual, arrange rest and recreation activities.

Sociomedical services aim at facilitating recovery and improvement of the health status, vital functions of individuals, identifying and using other opportunities, ensuring conditions for returning to normal activities, prevention of complications and relapses of the disease. This category of social services includes continuous supervision and control of the physical and somatic status of the served individuals, provision of counseling and support on health and legal issues.

To receive social services, a person in need of them or the legal representative of such a person must contact the social protection department at the place of residence/stay.


“There are no rehabilitation centers for teenagers with drug addiction issues in Ukraine”,– from an interview with the TV channel Vidkrytyi (Open News)

Leonid Vlasenko, Regional Coordinator of the REAct Project in the Dnipropetrovsk region, and Ruslan Voievodov, a REActor from the REAct Project, Regional Representative of the All-Ukrainian Association of People with Drug Addiction VOLNA (The Wave) appeared on the TV show Check and Mate on the TV channel Vidkrytyi (Open News) to tell the viewing audience about state drug policy in the country. 

Inhumane approaches that violate human rights are still practiced in Ukraine, and there have been multiple cases of torture and imprisonment of drug-dependent people in private rehabilitation centers. “In total, there are about 300 rehabilitation centers for people with drug addiction in the Dnipropetrovsk region. However, the monitoring group that evaluated these centers in our region has released a positive assessment only for four of them. Most of the centers are custodial institutions, which are not accessible even for the monitoring group. I have been repeatedly approached with reports of rights violations and torture in such places,” Ruslan Voievodov said.

Currently, two draft laws are being considered by the Verkhovna Rada: # 5715-1 of July 13, 2021 and # 5715 of June 29, 2021, which are intended to change the relevant legislation, which is supposed to provide an opportunity for people with drug addiction issues to return to a full life.

“These laws envisage that people who have committed a minor offense or a crime of medium gravity should undergo rehabilitation before release. However, compulsory treatment is not effective. Also, these bills include a clause regarding new programs of treatment, but no such programs are currently operating and it is not clear yet what exactly they will provide for,” Leonid Vlasenko explained.

Also, during the interview they said that there were no rehabilitation centers for teenagers with drug addiction issues in Ukraine. You can find out more about this in the video below.

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Why does a drug user need family support?

Drug addiction is considered to be the most serious problem of our age. It is young people who are more likely to fall prey and victim to the trap of drugs. Drug addiction turns into a tragedy for the person affected and their family. But for all its seriousness, this issue is very delicate, and it requires a balanced and accurate approach.

Today we will explain why support from the family is crucial in overcoming drug addiction and how to choose the right words to not harm but to help.

What to focus your attention on

Dependence is formed over a long period. During this time frame, changes in behavior and personality become noticeable. These external manifestations can serve as red flags and warning bells for friends and relatives indicating that the person involved needs help and attention.

What behaviors are the symptoms of drug dependence?

  • Drug-dependent people often show emotional instability;
  • The mood quickly swings from unrestrained hilarity to the depths of apathy and despair;
  • Frequent outbreaks of unreasonable aggression;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Other possible symptoms include motor retardation, indifference to everything that happens around, and periodic bouts of speech incoherence.

How to help 

The first and foremost thing friends and relatives can do is talk. The purpose of this conversation is plain and simple: to find out tactfully in a no-pressure environment what really pushed the person into doing drugs. The answer to this question will help doctors identify the most effective case-specific treatment.

How to correctly start a conversation

•     Say that you are aware of the problem, and will be there and ready to help. The conversation should be completely free of judgment or pressure. Your goal is to ensure that the decision regarding help is made by the person themselves.

•     Sincerity and openness on your part are a crucial factor during this conversation: but there is no place for judgment or criticism. You should approach this conversation as if talking with a small child when they are sick, and you do want to help them get well. Do you judge a child if they are running a high temperature, or try to bring the fever down as soon as possible? Your desire to help must be just as sincere.

•     Build trust and support – a drug-dependent person needs acceptance and a healthy family environment.

What role does the family play in the treatment of addicts?

Most commonly, the family plays a significant role in the addiction story, and it is best when those closest to the person concerned also visit a therapist and group sessions for codependent people. This helps clarify their role in their loved one’s dependent behavior and identify possible strategies for optimal behavior and care with the help of a therapist and groups.

But unfortunately, family members often refuse to provide such help. We will try to explain why an addicted person just needs your support:

  • A person addicted to psychoactive substances counts on your help and support; 
    • A kind word from a caring person and support for positive change are the best medicines; 
    • You are a trusted and valued one;
    • Getting rid of an addiction leaves a void behind, which must be filled with positive sober emotions, good deeds, and a new mood; 
    • Help your loved or close one regain lost friends, pencil in and plan some time for psychological support groups, as well as time for family, work, friends, favorite hobbies, sports, and art.

Families that heed this recommendation will be more helpful to their near and dear ones with addiction issues. You will be able to better understand how to help and build healthy boundaries in providing assistance so as to not demotivate the struggling person in need or stimulate disruptions.

How to convince a drug user to seek treatment

Start an unobtrusive conversation and discretely introduce information about treatment options. The important condition is that the person affected becomes personally involved and interested in the arrangements. If the person is unwilling to listen to you, switch to another topic. In this case, you have to wait, and it’s the hardest part.

What to do if the person refuses treatment

Family members or close ones who live with an addict should consult a therapist and codependency groups.

As often as not, everyone around thinks that it is necessary to influence / pressurize the “sick” person and “cure” them, but very often the family itself, without realizing it, supports this dependence. Therefore, psychotherapy and codependency groups help build a healthier relationship with the addicted person, which indirectly keeps up the motivation for treatment. It is almost impossible to achieve the desired outcome here without expert help and support.

It is important to remember this!

Treating drug addiction in a home setting will do nothing but harm. This way you will lose time. There will be unsuccessful attempts that will shore up the patient’s doubts about treatment options. Relatives will get disappointed because it doesn’t work. Home treatment, self-medication, or still less folk remedies will not help here. Helping a drug user is difficult but not impossible. You need to work with specialists – and then a positive outcome is bound to emerge.

If you have any questions about this topic, please write to us and our psychologist will get back with the answers and recommendations.

Also, if you have a topic or concern that requires psychological intervention, write to us in private messages on our Facebook page and we will definitely help you with that!

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Should medical services and childbirth care be provided free of charge, and what should be done if health workers demand payment for them?

Medical services during childbirth are included in the Medical Guarantees Program – a list of services that the state guarantees to the patient. Therefore, the 2021 Medical Guarantee Program provides the most important types of medical care in order to provide quality medical care to pregnant women and women in labor.

What you need to consider 

  1. Starting from April 1, 2021, labor and delivery care is covered by the state-guaranteed benefit package “Outpatient pregnancy management”. To receive the services, the woman needs to select any health facility contracted by the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) for provision of the services included in the package.

Women can choose who will manage their uncomplicated pregnancies, whether it is a family doctor or an obstetrician-gynecologist in an antenatal clinic, regardless of their place of living or registration. A woman does not need an online referral to see a gynecologist.

A pregnant woman is entitled to a free choice of maternity out of those contracted by the NHSU for the provision of labor and delivery care. No charity donations or medication packages are required. All that is necessary, including medications and supplies, is covered by the state-guaranteed free benefits package.

2. Let us discuss what is included in the free benefits package of care in labor and delivery. The entire scope of medical services required during childbirth is free for the woman, including:

  • Arrangement of regular pregnancy checkups (registration, working out of an individual risk-based pregnancy management plan);
  • Pregnancy, post-partum and newborn health monitoring (including laboratory tests and instrumental investigations, consultations of other specialist physicians if required);
  • Management of physiological labor and delivery by the obstetric team on duty;
  • Management of complicated labor and delivery and delivery by C-Section;
  • Pain relief in labor, including epidural anesthesia;
  • Stabilization of the newborn condition after birth;
  • Neonatal vaccination according to the Immunization Schedule;
  • Medications included in the National List of Essential Drugs and medical supplies, and the medications procured by the Ministry of Health at the central level;
  • Meals during hospital stay.

If the newborn baby needs additional medical care – breathing support, intensive care, etc. – such care is also included in the free benefits, costs covered by the National Health Service of Ukraine. For the full scope of services under this benefit package, please access the NHSU website and select the specification in the relevant benefits package.

How to find out if the health facility has signed a contract with the NHSU?

You can find this information here in Section “Signed contracts for providing healthcare services to population”The facilities contracted by the NHSU are listed in the table.

Conduct of the patient if the healthcare provider solicits payment for medical care or refuses to provide the service.

  • First of all, approach the chief physician of the healthcare facility, preferably with a written report (complaint), demanding to remedy the violation of right to free medical care under the relevant benefit package, referring to availability of public funding received by the healthcare facility for provision of such services. The complaint must be duly registered, with an incoming registration number assigned.
  • If these efforts were not successful, you need to file a written report (complaint) to the city or oblast health department complaining about absence of response by the chief physician and demanding to remedy the violation of the right to healthcare. The healthcare department must duly register the complaint and respond to it. In fact, this is usually enough to correct the situation. 
  • If the client remains unsatisfied, he/she can approach the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) and submit a complaint using the online form on the NHSU website. 

Usually, NHSU does not ignore such messages and may take measures up to terminate public funding provided to the health facility. Therefore, the administrations of health facilities try to avoid such complaints and prevent conflicts.

  • If the client remains unsatisfied, he/she can file a complaint in court.
Response stories

Cheated out of his apartment and thrown out on the street by his own relatives

Anatolii is a drug user. He was hospitalized for a long time with severe head injuries. The man was unable to recollect what had happened to him and how he ended up in the hospital. After being discharged, Anatolii went home to find other people living in his apartment. Then the man decided to seek help from his sister, but she turned him away and ignored all his pleas.

The man spent nights moving from one acquaintance to another for six months, but over time, everyone got tired of this imposition and they stopped letting him in. Anatolii tried getting a job and renting a place to stay, but he had no ID documents. The man turned for help to the social workers of the CO CF Hromadske Zdorovia, where he was receiving his HIV prevention services, and was linked to the REAct project.

The REActor arranged a free consultation for Anatolii with the legal counsel based in the CO CF Hromadske Zdorovia. As it turned out, the man’s relatives fraudulently took possession of his apartment and sold it. The legal professionals helped the client obtain temporary ID documents and set him up with a place to stay at an overnight shelter. Later, Anatolii got a job.

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Is treatment with OST drugs provided free of charge and what to do if healthcare workers solicit payment for the provision of these drugs?

In Ukraine, a special Law of Ukraine “On preventing diseases caused by human immune deficiency virus (HIV) and on legal and social protection of people living with HIV” is in action. This Law provides for state guarantees of OST administration (par. 8 of Article 4). OST provision is also regulated by institutional orders of the Ministry of Health.

What you need to consider

  1. Starting from April 1, 2021, OST medical care is covered by the state-guaranteed benefit package “Treatment of individuals with mental and behavioral disorders caused by opioid consumption with the use of opioid substitution therapy drugs”.
  2. This benefit package includes the following services which must be provided free of charge:
  • Opioid substitution therapy drugs procured at the cost of centralized drugs procurement program of the Ministry of Health;
  • Elaboration of the monitoring and treatment plan;
  • Treatment monitoring; monitoring of side effects and OST drug efficiency, including individual dosage review and considering interaction of the OST drugs with other medications, including antiretroviral, TB drugs, pain relief medication, antidepressant medication, etc.;
  • Screening for TB, HIV, viral hepatitis.

To receive OST drugs, a referral of the attending physician and diagnosis F11 “Mental and behavioral disorders caused by opioid consumption” are required.

Under this benefit package, the health facility must ensure OST drug provision for administration in the outpatient clinic or at home. If the patient is unable to visit the doctor on a daily basis, for example, because of being hospitalized to another facility, the health facility must ensure the delivery of medications. 

For the full scope of services under this benefit package, please access the NHSU website and select the specification under the relevant benefit package.

Conduct of the patient if the healthcare provider solicits payment for medical care or refuses to provide the service.

  • First of all, approach the chief physician of the healthcare facility, preferably with a written report (complaint), demanding to remedy the violation of right to free medical care under the relevant benefit package, referring to availability of public funding received by the healthcare facility for provision of such services. The complaint must be duly registered, with an incoming registration number assigned.
  • If these efforts were not successful, you need to file a written report (complaint) to the city or oblast health department complaining about absence of response by the chief physician and demanding to remedy the violation of the right to healthcare. The healthcare department must duly register the complaint and respond to it. In fact, this is usually enough to correct the situation. 
  • If the client remains unsatisfied, he/she can approach the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) and submit a complaint using the online form on the NHSU website. 

Usually, NHSU does not ignore such messages and may take measures up to terminate public funding provided to the health facility. Therefore, the administrations of health facilities try to avoid such complaints and prevent conflicts.

  • If the client remains unsatisfied, he/she can file a complaint in court.
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Why do people who belong to communities vulnerable to HIV and TB need a psychologist consultation?

An infection in the body almost always triggers changes in a person’s life. First of all, we are afraid of being judged and condemned by relatives and friends. The high level of stigma and discrimination in society against people living with HIV or TB leads to a situation where the people concerned start to avoid social contacts, retreat from the world, and self-isolate. 

People living with HIV often have to experience social and psychological pressure long before they need medical care. It is very important to pay particular attention to resolving these problems. The emotional well-being of HIV-positive people requires a serious approach, because learning to live with HIV is a difficult task to cope with and requires a lot of effort, as well as support and assistance from close relatives and professionals. 

By seeking help from a psychologist who works with communities vulnerable to HIV and TB, you will be able to get:

  1. Quality advice on accepting your status, assistance in developing adherence to treatment, and an opportunity to work through the risks involved, because for any type of treatment to be successful, it is essential to take prescribed medication in a timely manner on a daily basis.
  2. Psychological support and assistance in disclosing your medical status to your partner / close friends and family.
  3. If required, crisis consultation (face-to-face, via telephone, or through social networks).
  4. Quality support and guidance on various aspects of living with HIV, treatment of TB, hepatitis, etc.
  5. Answers to the questions you were previously afraid to ask.

The REAct rights violations monitoring and response system enables HIV and TB vulnerable populations to consult a psychologist free of charge. By contacting us you will get:

  • Qualified help from experienced psychologists in your area.
  • Support, acceptance, and answers to your questions.
  • Assistance in protecting and restoring your rights.

On our Facebook page, you can ask a question a psychologist can help with (via personal messages or a comment under the post “A Psychologist’s Tips”) and get your answer shortly. All client information is treated as confidential, no use of individually identifiable or personal data is permitted (names will be changed). Also, if your rights have been violated, be sure to take the opportunity to get free qualified help.

You can report a rights violation situation in any way convenient for you:

Let’s protect your rights together!

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Are dental services and care provided free of charge and what to do if the healthcare provider solicits payment for such services?

The Program of Medical Guarantees covers only emergency dental care to all and planned dental care to children up to 18 years of age, except the orthodontist procedures and tooth replacement. These services are defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as paid services, so they must be covered from the client’s private funds or at the cost of some local budget programs.

What you need to consider 

Starting from April 1, 2021, dental healthcare is covered by the state-guaranteed benefits package “Dental care to adults and children”. To receive the services, the patient needs to select any health facility contracted by the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) for the delivery of services included in this benefit package.

The scope of free dental services includes:

  • Initial examination and dental health assessment;
  • Emergency dental care to children and adults (acute toothache relief and treatment of life-threatening conditions);
  • Planned dental care to children (besides orthodontist procedures and tooth replacement);
  • Instrumental investigations in the framework of emergency dental care and planned dental care to children;
  • Timely pain relief at all stages of diagnostics and treatment.

This means that the Program of Medical Guarantees covers emergency dental care for adults, including cute toothache relief and treatment of life-threatening conditions and planned pediatric dental care for children under 18 years of age.

  • Prosthetic repair, brackets and other expensive dental services are not covered by the state-guaranteed benefit package. They can be covered from other sources – some local budget programs or at the cost of the patient.

For the full scope of services under this benefit package, please access the NHSU website and select the specification in the relevant benefits package.

How to find out if the health facility has signed a contract with the NHSU?

You can find this information here in Section “Signed contracts for providing healthcare services to population”The facilities contracted by the NHSU are listed in the table.

Conduct of the patient if the healthcare provider solicits payment for medical care or refuses to provide the service.

  • First of all, approach the chief physician of the healthcare facility, preferably with a written report (complaint), demanding to remedy the violation of right to free medical care under the relevant benefit package, referring to availability of public funding received by the healthcare facility for provision of such services. The complaint must be duly registered, with an incoming registration number assigned.
  • If these efforts were not successful, you need to file a written report (complaint) to the oblast health department complaining about absence of response by the chief physician and demanding to remedy the violation of the right to healthcare. The healthcare department must duly register the complaint and respond to it. In fact, this is usually enough to correct the situation. 
  • If the client remains unsatisfied, he/she can approach the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) and submit a complaint using the online form on the NHSU website. If a healthcare provider unreasonably refuses to provide medical care or solicits payment for the services covered by the NHSU under the Program of Medical Guarantees, this is a breach of the contract between the National Health Service and the facility. Usually, NHSU does not ignore such messages and may take measures up to terminating public funding provided to the health facility. Therefore, the administrations of health facilities try to avoid such complaints and prevent conflicts.
  • If the client remains unsatisfied, he/she can file a complaint in court.