Response stories

Violation of confidentiality of a patient at an AIDS center in Kazakhstan

Marat (name changed) faced a serious violation of his privacy and data protection rights. Due to his employment, he did not visit the AIDS Center where he was registered. A nurse from the facility visited him at his place of residence, but did not find the man at home. As a result, she left a note in the door, urging him to come in for a scheduled test. Neighbors who read the note misinterpreted the information about Marat’s HIV status and began to stigmatize him as “contagious”.

Leaving the note with information about Marat’s HIV status in a visible place led to a violation of his right to privacy and protection of personal data. It also resulted in serious social consequences, including stigmatization by his neighbors. According to the law, information about HIV status is strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed without the patient’s consent, and violation of these norms entails liability and may lead to legal consequences for the medical institution and its staff.

To protect his rights, Marat turned to REActors for help. In response to the nurse’s unlawful actions, REActors prepared and wrote a complaint to the AIDS Center.

Also read:

Finding support: Vardan’s story from Armenia

Confidentiality of people living with HIV in Uzbekistan: care for loved ones and protection of rights