Response stories

Discrimination based on HIV status in a dental clinic in Armenia

Ashot (name changed), who had been living with HIV for four years and was on antiretroviral therapy (ARV), went to a dental clinic to get implants. He chose this medical facility because it was considered one of the best in the city.

At the consultation with the doctor, Ashot discussed his plans and they agreed on subsequent visits to the clinic. After the consultation, the client was promised a questionnaire. In the process of filling out the questionnaire, Ashot indicated “YES” to the question about HIV infection.

However, the next day, Ashot was refused treatment, namely implantation. An employee of the clinic informed him over the phone that implants are not performed for “patients with AIDS”. This statement became the basis for Ashot’s appeal to the NGO New Generation.

REActors from the NGO New Generation accepted Ashot’s case. A paralegal representing the organization contacted the clinic, introducing himself as a client who wanted to have a tooth extracted. During the conversation, he specified that he was a member of the community of people living with HIV. In response, he was told to report in person to the medical center.

The REActor then forwarded the case to the organization’s lawyer, who is currently investigating the case. New Generation is committed to addressing this discriminatory situation and supporting the rights of people living with HIV.

The case is currently under investigation and the organization’s lawyer is actively working to resolve the case. REActors are also providing support to Ashot in the process of litigation and protection of his rights.

New Generation emphasizes that discrimination based on HIV status is unacceptable and contrary to the principles of equality and human rights. The organization will continue its work to protect the rights and interests of people facing discrimination in the medical field.

Also read:

The case of a doctor in Moldova: the struggle for tolerance and professional ethics

Incident in Moldova with disclosure of medical information