Response stories

Denial of access to ART while under arrest

In addition to interrupting therapy, the resumption of treatment also poses a threat to human health, as resistance (virus resistance) to treatment can develop in the body. It can also lead to side effects and psychological complications.

During the client’s treatment at the Specialized Infectious Diseases Hospital, namely consultations about his adherence, a problem was identified. The low adherence of a person was caused by the fact that law enforcement officials deprived him of the right to take ART for the period of his detention for 15 days. These cases were repeated more than once, which over time caused a deterioration in health and an increase in viral load.

The reason for the client’s arrest was his own sister, with whom they live in their parent’s apartment, conflicts occur between them with corresponding consequences.

The person received counseling on the treatment of HIV, the concomitant disease of hepatitis C, as well as on the rights of PLHIV, their assertion and obtaining disability due to illness. Then he was redirected to consult a lawyer to resolve legal issues and solve life situations.

Original Source (in Russian)

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