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The art of offering a condom

You are in love. Everything is fine! First of all, you want intimacy, but you feel embarrassed when you think about offering your partner sex with a condom. Yes, you are a modern person. You know that love does not protect against infections, so excessive shyness can cost you dearly. However, you will not be the first to talk about this sensitive topic.

So how do you talk to your partner about safe sex without ruining the relationship? What if your partner gives a number of reasons for not using a condom? How to start a conversation on this difficult topic? We offer a few simple tips.

Destructive position: I am embarrassed, ashamed, and disgusted to use a condom.

Protective and cooperative position: a similar attitude, the source of embarrassment before the topic of condoms – the position of weaklings and old conservatives, of which you are in no way related. Away with other people’s thoughts! Get rid of outdated ideas! “Latex armor” is a reliable, fashionable accessory for sex. A condom is a sign of respect for yourself and your partner, a silent invitation to intimacy. A high-quality condom is a wonderful and mandatory element of the love game.

Destructive position: I will not be able to talk about protected sex.

Protective and cooperative position: I will start the conversation about condoms easily and casually. I will find any excuse to talk about how important it is to take care of the safety of the one who is dearest to you. After all, safety in sex is just as important as in any other situation. Talking to your partner about safety can tell you a lot about him/her… and about the future of your relationship. And if we happen to see an advertisement for condoms together, this is a good opportunity to start a conversation on a topical topic.

Destructive position: I’ll start the conversation about safe sex tomorrow, or I won’t start “this” conversation at all. Let him/her be the first to talk about it.

Protective and cooperative position: It’s best to start the conversation about sex safety now because you care about him/her. And in general: during sex, people do not talk too much.

Destructive position: I don’t care which condoms to buy.

Protective and cooperative position: Let’s use only quality things in our relationship. We respect each other. That’s why quality condoms are what we like. Try different brands. Practice, experiment, and have fun with the process.

Destructive position: A condom kills all the romance in a relationship…

Protective and cooperative position: It is completely unromantic to think about unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections during sex.

Destructive position: You don’t trust me.., you don’t love me…

Protective and cooperative position: I trust and love you. Our relationship is very important to me. Therefore, we will do everything properly…

Destructive position: I don’t use condoms…

Protective and cooperative position: I always use condoms and have never regretted it…

Destructive position: But we haven’t used condoms yet…

Protective and cooperative position: So, it’s time to start…