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REAct Project In Ukraine: Registered Human Rights Violations of HIV/TB Key Populations and Response to Such Violations

Starting from 2019, the REAct system – a tool for monitoring and responding to human rights violations at the community level – is being implemented in Ukraine.

During this time, REAct professionals continue to actively help and respond to cases of violations of the rights of key communities, providing psychosocial and legal support, free of charge.

In 2021, 2021 cases of violation of the rights of representatives of key communities were recorded in Ukraine. Such cases were reported by 1,944 persons, some of whom requested help more than once.

77 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and 103 documentators were involved in documenting and responding to cases of violations of the rights of key communities vulnerable to HIV/TB in 17 regions.

As part of the response to cases of violations of the rights of key communities, 87% of services were provided to clients directly in NGOs at the location of the documentators. 94% of cases were resolved completely or partially.

Project documentators provided the following types of services: primary legal assistance (74%), psychosocial assistance (24%), and secondary legal assistance (2%). Referral of clients mostly took place within the framework of providing psychosocial and secondary legal assistance.

Read more information about the implementation of the Project, registered appeals, guarantees, and the role of the state in the field of human rights protection in the new analytical report for 2021.