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REAct cases are included in Matrix for analysing trends in human rights violations against people who use drugs

Partners' publication

In December 2022, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) published Matrix for analysing trends in human rights violations against people who use drugs. The purpose of this Matrix is to facilitate the analysis of documented human right violations by grouping violations into strategic blocks that are easy to use for the subsequent reporting to human rights treaty bodies and/or as part of follow-up advocacy at national level. The Matrix can equip human rights activists with knowledge/skills in how to prepare/ write reports for a human right body. The Matrix aligns the analysis with the environment in which human rights treaty bodies and national governments develop human rights practices, surrounded and mediated by community-led monitoring.

Cases documented through the REAct tool in 2020-2022 in the countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region were included in the Matrix to illustrate human rights violations in practice.

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