Response stories

Protecting the rights of a person living with HIV+ in Kazakhstan: A case of dismissal and a victory for justice

In Kazakhstan, the dismissal of Alan (name changed), a man living with HIV+, prompted the intervention of REActors. Paralegals came to the aid of a man who faced discrimination at his workplace in a private packaging firm.

Alan was fired from his job on the shop floor of a private firm after a colleague learned of his HIV-positive status. A senior manager at the firm invited Alan to speak to him and, citing negative attitudes from coworkers, asked him to quit. The manager was dismissive of Alan, ignoring his rights and refusing to listen to his side of the situation.

The REActor took it upon himself to protect Alan’s rights by taking the following steps – he went to the private firm to meet with the senior manager. During the conversation, issues of discrimination and violations of Alan’s employment rights were raised. The REActor drew the manager’s attention to the fact that the dismissal was based solely on Alan’s HIV status, which was a breach of the law.

It was emphasized that the Labor Law prohibits dismissal for reasons unrelated to professional duties or health conditions if it does not affect the performance of employment duties.

The manager, representing the firm, apologized for the unfortunate termination and expressed his willingness to hire Alan back, acknowledging his incompetence in the matter.

Alan eventually received not only an apology but also an offer to return to work. However, perhaps because of the negative experience, Alan declined the offer.

This case became a shining example of successful advocacy for the rights of a person with HIV+ in Kazakhstan. REActors continue its work to combat discrimination and violations of rights in employment, ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for all citizens.

Also read:

Combating Discrimination Against Children with HIV in Kazakhstan Educational Institutions

Problems of HIV-positive prisoners in Azerbaijan