Response stories

Fighting for a safe birth: the story of a client from Uzbekistan

This case will tell the story of Nisa (name changed), 38 weeks pregnant, who faced denial of medical care at the maternity hospital. Thanks to the intervention of REActors, she was able to ensure the safe delivery of her baby despite the difficulties and obstacles along the way.

There is a special phase in every pregnant woman’s life when she awaits her baby with joy and hope. However, sometimes the happiest moments can be overshadowed by unexpected difficulties. This is exactly what happened to a client who was in her 38th week of pregnancy.

When Nisa felt unwell and experienced pain, she immediately went to the maternity hospital where she was referred because of the dislocation. However, she faced an unexpected rejection. The reason was that the maternity hospital she was referred to was closing for washing after four days. The doctors were only willing to perform a natural birth, which could be completed within two days, but they could not perform a cesarean section. In addition, the client’s elevated viral load made independent labor impossible. When she tried to go to another birthing center, she was also turned down, explaining that her original birthing center was still open.

However, the client did not give up. With perseverance and determination, despite the challenges, she decided to follow through to ensure the safe delivery of her baby. Nisa visited the maternity hospital and engaged in a dialog with the head doctor and the doctor in charge of the cesarean section. She demanded a written waiver from the maternity hospital to document her rights to medical care. Despite resistance, she got her way and was admitted to the maternity hospital.

After all the necessary tests and examinations, Nisa was referred for a cesarean section at another maternity hospital, to ensure safety for both her and the baby.

This story is an example of how perseverance and self-belief can overcome the most difficult situations. Thanks to the intervention of REActors and the client’s determination, she was able to ensure the safe delivery of her baby despite the bureaucracy and denials she faced. This is an important reminder that fighting for your rights and taking care of your health is always worth the effort.

Original Source (in Russian)

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