Response stories

Denial of treatment due to HIV status

In situations of refusal of medical care, be sure to ask for a written document with the conclusion (refusal) of the doctor, head of the department based on the results of the appeal. Further, you should immediately contact the head physician in order to minimize the time for a possible solution to the problem. You need to try to document all actions in a medical institution, so that later there will be evidence to defend your rights in higher authorities.

During the course of treatment in a specialized infectious diseases hospital, the client told the REACtor about his problem. He said that in addition to HIV, he has an incurable disease called lupus, which must be treated so that there are no complications. At his place of residence, he took the necessary documents and went to Tashkent, to the dermatovenerological hospital. There, during registration, they found out that he had HIV infection and refused, referring to the fact that they did not have a place and that he needed to be treated elsewhere, at his place of residence in the region.

During the consultation with the REACtor, the client received the necessary information on the issues of HIV treatment and prevention, as well as on the rights of PLHIV, and was further referred for consultation with a lawyer in order to investigate this case. He went to the hospital again, with a referral, already informed by the lawyer how to defend his rights. And as soon as they wanted to refuse again, he began to do it. The client informed that in case of repeated refusal of treatment, he would apply directly to the Ministry of Health with already prepared complaint documents. The medical staff got scared, and the client was put on treatment in turn.

Original Source (in Russian)

Also read:

Transmission of HIV through blood transfusion

Nurse disclosed client’s status