Response stories

Defeating bureaucracy in Uzbekistan: a story in access to ART

There are times in everyone’s life when you face unforeseen circumstances and difficulties that require perseverance and decisive action. The story of Barfina (name changed), who found herself in a situation where she was denied access to the life-saving drug ART (antiretroviral therapy), was an exceptional example of fighting for her right to health.

The client had to travel to Region N for several months to care for her mother. She took care to register at her new place of residence but unfortunately did not have time to receive ART before she left. Upon returning to her place of registration, she went to a specialized center to receive the drug, hoping for a quick solution to her problem. However, Barfina faced rejection, arguing that the drug was not available under the new registration. It would seem that trouble awaited her.

However, the client did not give up. She was advised to consult a lawyer, and this turned out to be a key step in her struggle. With the help of professional legal support, she began to act according to all the rules of the law. The lawyer contacted the local Civil Registry Center (CRC) and the doctor responsible for prescribing ART. Despite legal arguments, the regional doctor refused to provide the drug, violating the patient’s rights.

Barfina’s life depended on this medicine and she decided to go all the way. Together with a lawyer, they went to the deputy chief physician of the local hospital. There, a complaint was written about the behavior of the infectious disease specialist who refused to prescribe the medicine. Under the pressure of public attention and justified complaints, the deputy chief physician finally gave in and prescribed ART to the client for two months. But it is worth noting that the infectious disease doctor has still not admitted his guilt and refused to apologize for his actions.

This client’s story is an example of how perseverance and knowledge of one’s rights can defeat even the most complex bureaucratic system. For many people, ART is a life-saving medicine and no barriers should prevent them from receiving it. This case emphasizes the importance of fighting for one’s rights and gives hope that even in the most difficult situations, justice can be achieved.

Original Source (in Russian)

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