Response stories

Confronting harassment: a disturbing incident in Albania

In the late hours of the night, Elira (name changed), a transgender girl, was walking through the area N in her city. It was a time when the streets were quiet, and the usual hustle and bustle of the city had died down. As she walked, an unknown man noticed her and approached.

Initially, the perpetrator sought sexual favors from Elira. When she refused, the situation quickly escalated. The man’s demeanor changed, and he began to threaten and intimidate her. His words and actions were so severe that Elira was left in a terrible emotional state, visibly shaken and distressed.

Recognizing the seriousness of the incident, Elira reached out for help, and her case was promptly taken up by the REActors. The incident details were meticulously documented. The case is currently being resolved, with the REActors working diligently to ensure that Elira receives the justice and support she deserves.

This incident highlights the dangers and emotional trauma that LGBTIQ+ individuals, like Elira, can face simply for being themselves. It underscores the urgent need for greater protection, support, and awareness to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable communities in our society.

Also read:

Navigating stigma in healthcare: the case from North Macedonia

Resolving сounseling сhallenges in the OST program in Montenegro