Response stories

Disclosure of medical secrecy

Disclosure of medical secrecy is the communication of such information to at least one person (with the exception of the patient himself, his legal representatives or medical staff involved in the treatment of this patient). At the same time, it does not matter to whom they became known: to an acquaintance, a colleague of the victim or to outsiders.

A PLHIV client met with friends in a cafe on the occasion of his birthday. Two friends (two brothers neighbors) of the client did not come to the meeting. When he asked why they were not there, one of those present secretly said, that they called recently and said that a nurse had come and was looking for a client at the place of residence. She did not find the client at home, she went to his neighbors (friends) and when asked why she is looking for him, the nurse told that the client was registered with the AIDS center an d he had to undergo a mandatory medical examination, and after that the brothers, worried about their health and their loved ones, decided not to go for a client’s birthday.

The reactor conducted a conversation with a nurse and neighbors (friends of the client). It turned out that the nurse was an intern at the medical school and did not know all the nuances. Friends were explained and told about life with HIV (transmission paths, non-transmission paths and prevention).