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Myths about domestic violence

Myth 1: There is no sexual abuse in marriage.

Reality: Sexual assault is a crime that has no place in a relationship between people, whether they are married or not.

Sexual contact should take place with both partners’ consent and be acceptable and desirable for both. If sexual contact is forced, in an unwanted form, the partner intimidates, humiliates, or offends, it is violence.

Myth 2: Violence is only about beatings.

Reality: In addition to physical violence, psychological, economic, and sexual violence are no less dangerous.

In particular, economic violence often hides behind the mask of care: the partner insists that there is no need to work or study, but then there is total control, reporting of the funds used, and humiliation. Lack of economic independence is one of the main reasons for silence and acceptance of physical violence.

Myth 3: Beating means loving. Everyone lives like this.

Reality: one person’s violence against another is not the norm, but illegal activity for which there is no justification. Looking for an explanation for the violence, many victims do not seek help for years, which worsens the situation and can have severe psychological consequences.

Living in constant fear and stress leads to loss of confidence, formation of low self-esteem, and various ailments.

Myth 4: Domestic violence only exists in “dysfunctional” families.

Reality: Domestic violence knows no social boundaries. It occurs in all social groups, regardless of the level of education and income.

Myth 5: It is necessary to endure for the sake of children.

Reality: children who grow up in a complete family and see violence suffer much more than those who grow up with one loving parent in a harmonious relationship and family peace.

Children who witness violence between parents or close relatives, even if they physically avoid it, suffer mentally. This negatively affects their emotional state, relationships with peers, and studies.