Response stories

An assistance with recovery through OST in Azerbaijan

The situation happened to Elmira (name changed), a 25-year-old woman from a community of people who use drugs. Her life circumstances were such that she started with light substances, but soon moved on to heavier ones, and this led to addiction. A turning point in her life was the tragic death of her lover from an overdose – this made Elmira decide to stop using. Elmira turned to a REActor. Understanding her desire to quit drugs and change her situation, he helped her access opioid substitution therapy (OST) at the Republican Narcology Center (RNC). With REActor’s support, Elmira began her treatment journey.

The initial stages of treatment were incredibly challenging for Elmira. However, with perseverance and the support of the medical professionals at RNC, she managed to stabilize her condition. Her commitment to the program and the structured support it provided were crucial in helping her navigate the difficulties of withdrawal and recovery.

Today, Elmira stands on the threshold of a better life. She has found employment and has mended her relationship with her parents, rebuilding the connections that had frayed during her years of addiction. Elmira’s journey to recovery highlights the profound impact of access to effective treatment and support systems. Her story is a beacon of hope for others struggling with similar challenges, demonstrating that with the right help, it is possible to overcome addiction. Her story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of OST and the comprehensive support offered by REActor and the NGO Struggle Against AIDS (SAAPU).

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