Response stories

Addressing discrimination in the military

A REActor was approached by a former military who used to serve as an officer in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During his service, the man fell sick and was hospitalized. After the essential tests were performed, he found out that he had HIV. 

The hospital healthcare workers informed the officer’ immediate supervisors about this, and the supervisor decided to dismiss the officer from service. The decision was based on “The provision on military medical examinaion in the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, in particular, the list of diseases, conditions and physical malformations defining the degree of suitability for service. The list includes asymptomatic HIV infection. 

The officer considered the acts of the Armed Forces representatives as discriminatory and wanted to resume his service. This is why, upon hearing about the REAct project, he asked for help. The organization’s lawyers reviewed the case materials and prepared the documents for the officer to present in court. After several court sessions, the officer resumed his service.