Ukraine. 2020


1 Key types of perpetrators among KPs

Health workers (state-run facilities) , 44 %
Police , 17 %
Close surroundings, 13 %
Other government institutions, 12 %
Private persons, 8 %
Unknown perpetrators , 6 %

2 Key violations among KPs

Refusal to provide services, 36 %
Stigma/ discrimination , 27 %
Physical violence, 14 %
Emotional violence, 11 %
Material damage, 6 %
Violation of confidentiality, 6 %

3 Role of government

Government is the perpetrator (disrespect for HR) , 61 %
Government fails to ensure observance of HR , 30 %
Government fails to take measures to address violations, 9 %

People who inject drugs

People living with HIV (PLWH)

Sex Workers (SW)

Men having sex with men (MSM)