Response stories

Refusal to perform surgery due to drug addiction

Eugene belongs to the category of injecting drug users. In addition, the man has comorbidities that in the complex led to the appearance of trophic ulcers on the legs. He does not have a large income, that’s why he is not able to apply to private medical institutions, so first of all the man turned to the state medical institution for surgery.

Before the surgery, Eugene underwent a full medical examination, but at this stage, he began to have problems: the man was ignored in the hospital, refused to be placed in the ward, and was allocated a bed in the hallway. As the client himself is convinced, such actions of medical workers were the result of doctors learning about his addiction, and from that moment they stopped paying attention to the patient. As a result, he was discharged from the hospital without surgery.

For help, the man turned to the REAct documentator because he lost the ability to move and did not understand how to proceed. As a result, the man was escorted to a military hospital for surgery. During the operation, doctors were forced to amputate one foot. Eugene was provided with free transportation to visit the medical facility after the surgery. The man quickly went through the rehabilitation process, received crutches for free, and will soon be on the OST program. Today his life is not in danger.