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REAct Statistical Report 2021. Violations of the rights of people living with HIV, drug users, sex workers, men who have sex with men, trans* people in Kyrgyzstan (in Russian).

REAct is being implemented in partnership between the Partnership Network Association and the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan within the framework of the Street Lawyers projects, which are being implemented within the framework of the Global Fund/UNDP country grant and the regional project Sustainability of Services for Key Groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (2019-2021). Cases are documented by 13 NGOs that participate in the Street Lawyers project and are located in different cities and regions of the country.

The Partnership Network Association coordinates the work of the system, and organizes advocacy events and training.

Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan coordinates the work of REActors, provides legal assistance to PLHIV and key groups in criminal and civil cases related to discrimination issues, analyzes registered cases, and deepens REActors’ knowledge and competencies in the field of human rights. In addition, Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan works with law enforcement agencies to raise awareness and commitment among their employees.

Find out the statistics on violations of the rights of people living with HIV and groups at risk in Kyrgyzstan in the analytical report IN RUSSIAN below.